- Monday, 10/09/23 ** 00:52 Removed most of my YouTube subscriptions ** 11:14 This website (what this is hosted on and compiled with) needs to use javascript - frontend and backend. The same language has to run everywhere. That's the only way to avoid lag, overhead, etc...
It's very possible that I use some Clojure-macro-wrapper-thing for JS. It should not have a runtime - just different syntax (maybe). The ability to inspect element in the browser and see the exact code that someone has written - comments and all - is really beautiful, and I want to strive for that.
There are 'mediums' where we are able to take the source file. ** 11:33 Biggest pet peeve lately - and by lately, I mean the last few months - I can't seem to stand the use of 'it' as a subject when using a verb is necessary. It really pisses me off!!!!! A clear 'source' of the statement always exists, and using 'it' is always a cope to avoid having to think about what 'it' is. In doing so, the writer or speaker omits an opportunity to be more specific; they deliberately obscure details and - IMO - over-rely on context instead. The word 'it' says 'fill me in with what you think could be here', which allows English to increase information density, but in doing so also increases ambiguity!
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2023-10-09
- video call at meet.jit.si/2023-10-09