📕 subnode [[@flancian/wiki vim]] in 📚 node [[wiki-vim]]
 MODE  LHS                 RHS~
  ====  ===                 ===
  `n`     <leader>ww          |<plug>(wiki-index)|                 [GLOBAL]
  `n`     <leader>wn          |<plug>(wiki-open)|                  [GLOBAL]
  `n`     <leader>w<leader>w  |<plug>(wiki-journal)|               [GLOBAL]
  `n`     <leader>wx          |<plug>(wiki-reload)|                [GLOBAL]
  `n`     <leader>wb          |<plug>(wiki-graph-find-backlinks)|
  `n`     <leader>wlc         |<plug>(wiki-graph-check-links)|
  `n`     <leader>wg          |<plug>(wiki-graph-in)|
  `n`     <leader>wG          |<plug>(wiki-graph-out)|
  `n`     <leader>wf          |<plug>(wiki-link-toggle)|
  `n`     <leader>wd          |<plug>(wiki-page-delete)|
  `n`     <leader>wr          |<plug>(wiki-page-rename)|
  `n`     <leader>wt          |<plug>(wiki-page-toc)|
  `n`     <leader>wT          |<plug>(wiki-page-toc-local)|
  `n`     <leader>wp          |<plug>(wiki-export)|
  `x`     <leader>wp          |<plug>(wiki-export)|
  `n`     <leader>wll         |<plug>(wiki-link-show)|
  `n`     <leader>wlh         |<plug>(wiki-link-extract-header)|
  `n`     <leader>wsl         |<plug>(wiki-tag-list)|
  `n`     <leader>wsr         |<plug>(wiki-tag-reload)|
  `n`     <leader>wss         |<plug>(wiki-tag-search)|
  `n`     <tab>               |<plug>(wiki-link-next)|
  `n`     <cr>                |<plug>(wiki-link-follow)|
  `n`     <c-w><cr>           |<plug>(wiki-link-follow-split)|
  `n`     <c-w><tab>          |<plug>(wiki-link-follow-vsplit)|
  `n`     <c-w>u              |<plug>(wiki-link-follow-tab)|
  `n`     <s-tab>             |<plug>(wiki-link-prev)|
  `n`     <bs>                |<plug>(wiki-link-return)|
  `n`     gl                  |<plug>(wiki-link-toggle-operator)|
  `x`     <cr>                |<plug>(wiki-link-toggle-visual)|
  `ox`    au                  |<plug>(wiki-au)|
  `ox`    iu                  |<plug>(wiki-iu)|
  `ox`    at                  |<plug>(wiki-at)|
  `ox`    it                  |<plug>(wiki-it)|
  `n`     <c-n>               |<plug>(wiki-journal-prev)|          [JOURNAL]
  `n`     <c-p>               |<plug>(wiki-journal-next)|          [JOURNAL]
  `n`     <leader><c-n>       |<plug>(wiki-journal-copy-tonext)|   [JOURNAL]
  `n`     <leader>wu          |<plug>(wiki-journal-toweek)|        [JOURNAL]
  `n`     <leader>wm          |<plug>(wiki-journal-tomonth)|       [JOURNAL]
  • #push [[wiki vim]]
    • Is where I'm writing this now :)
    • Right away I really like:
      • How fast this feels! As expected. It's lightning fast while writing (it's just [[vim]]), it's lightning fast while following links (with ctrl+enter).
      • ,w,j is the way to visit my daily journal -- as I have , as my leader key. It looks worse than it feels to use it -- acceptable.
    • It doesn't have link autocomplete, at least not just by writing [[ -- but honestly this is relatively minor, and it seems it has pretty good searching capabilities, they just don't trigger by default.
  • #push [[wiki vim]]
    • now I'm writing this in [[wiki vim]], in which:
      • ,ww navigates to index.md
      • ,w,w navigates to the current journal
      • unfortunately navigating to a wikilink from the journal created the file in journal/, even though I want it in the root.
      • filed: https://github.com/lervag/wiki.vim/issues/225
      • already resulted in a nice workaround that I can just plug into my .vimrc :)
    • It is actually really nice to be able to journal in [[vim]] again.
      • So responsive!
      • And I can drop into 'full text/document mode' pretty easily, not to be constrained by [[outliner mode]].
      • Also I now have a global alt-d shortcut for my journal -- that is, pressing alt-d brings up my daily note no matter where I am :)
    • Next thing missing is pasting media (that is, storing in assets and inserting a link). Thinking about how to solve this.
📖 stoas
⥱ context