📕 subnode [[@flancian/pinhole]] in 📚 node [[pinhole]]

Trying this out on [[2023-12-25]] :) I got it to run in dev mode as such:

>  git clone git clone https://fietkau.software/Pinhole.git
>  cd Pinhole
>  poetry init
>  poetry add pycryptodome flask requests
>  poetry run pinhole.py

Now considering whether I take the step to set up nginx to serve this in a way 'readable' to ActivityPub ecosystem as per instructions in [[go/pinhole]] :)


I did :)

This is a usable [[nginx snippet]] -- the original docs linked above only provide the equivalent for Apache2, which I don't use nowadays.

The short of it would be:

  • Check out in /var/www/pinhole -- I run it under user pinhole. To set up a separate user, you can use e.g. adduser pinhole in Debian based systems and then su - pinhole to execute the rest.
  • Install [[certbot]] and configure a host running SSL.
  • Install [[uwsgi]] using your distribution package manager or [[pipx]]/[[poetry]] to manage dependencies.
  • Add the following snippet to the host:
location / {
  include uwsgi_params;
  uwsgi_pass unix:/var/www/pinhole/pinhole.sock;
  # Set the parameters for the uWSGI application
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /var/www/pinhole;
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /var/www/pinhole;
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT pinhole:application;
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_THREADS 5;
  • Set up uwsgi. I created the following uwsgi.ini and ./run-uwsgi.sh scripts:
# module = app:create_app()
touch-reload = /tmp/pinhole-restart
home = /home/pinhole/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/pinhole-_elcgCn9-py3.11
master = true
processes = 6
socket = /var/www/pinhole/pinhole.sock
chmod-socket = 666
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true

poetry run uwsgi uwsgi.ini

Restart nginx and run :) Or optionally set up a [[systemd]] user service.

I tried to make it work without uwsgi, using just a reverse proxy to the flask dev server, and for some reason it didn't work. Maybe it was some unrelated complication having to do with some mis-configuration on that mode, but I just moved on and went the uwsgi way as I already run the [[Agora]] like this.

📖 stoas
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