📕 subnode [[@flancian/open letter to peter singer]] in 📚 node [[open-letter-to-peter-singer]]

Hi Peter, I'm sure you get this often: you don't know me but I feel like I know you -- as I've gotten to know you through your books and your public conversations. I am writing this [[open letter]] in the hope that you will eventually find time to read it, or at least to skim it, but I do not write it with the intention of putting a burden on you; I am just doing out of the belief that it is worth thanking you, and asking you a question (which may be answered also for others which have good mental representations of your self, or might hold interesting opinions in their own right).

Thank you

Thank you for your writing and for your ideas and evaluations on ethical matters as you have expressed them through your life. I am inspired by them, and by the works you have inspired. You have brought light to the world in many ways, however you care to define it, and for that I and many other sentient beings will be thankful for, I believe, as long as we're around.

A question

I was born in Argentina; I grew up and studied there and moved to Switzerland for work when I was 30. I am a Staff Engineer currently at [[Google]]. I am engaged in [[Effective Altruism]] and occasionally allow myself to hedge irrationally after careful consideration :)

Inspired by your works, I started a project for


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