📕 subnode [[@flancian/anirudh badri]]
in 📚 node [[anirudh-badri]]
Anirudh Badri
- A [[person]].
- [[twitter]] twitter.com/anirudhbadri
[[go]] https://roamresearch.com/#/app/ImaginarySolutionsForWeirdFutures/page/v_7J3bv0Q
- [[good opinions]] vs [[lazy opinions]]
[[computer science]] background
- [[dell]]
- [[rolled dice]]
- [[math]] [[game theory]]
[[project]] [[rome.works]]
- exploring market fit
high level [[goal]]: build a knowledge economy
- the platform ([[knowledge graph]]) should be self-sustaining (economically)
- let people engage in [[commerce]] to address their needs
first target for [[books]]
- trade-off between (how the medium is supposed to be consumed) and (how to integrate information ideally)
- "[[book]] as a [[linear medium]] is perfect for [[storage]] but not for [[consumption]]"
- [[book]] [[the expanding circle]]
- our thoughts while we read are like a [[forest]] even though the book is linear
- you could [[jump]] to other places that reference the same idea
- "writing [[reviews]] seems like an artificial way to talk about a book"
- [[goal]] reduce [[cognitive load]]
- [[recommendation]] [[frode hegland]] [[augmented text]]
- [[engagement graph]]
[[gamification]] can be used for [[good]]
- [[goals]] just need to be aligned with what the users actually want
- same goes for [[personalization]] / [[filters]]
[[push]] [[book club]]
- they work better when they are smaller, one common mistake is that they grow too fast
- [[abstract fairy]] [[jonathan the utopian]] will be interested
- [[ought]] https://ought.org/updates/2020-11-09-forecasting
- [[topic]] [[aliases]]
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/anirudh-badri
- video call at meet.jit.si/anirudh-badri