📕 subnode [[@flancian/2020 10 25]]
in 📚 node [[2020-10-25]]
- Discussed [[mindfulness]] with [[dyokomizo]].
[[dyokomizo]] introduced me to [[argdown]], markdown-like syntax to generate argument diagrams: https://argdown.org/.
- read https://medium.com/@dyokomizo/from-theory-to-practice-via-tools-6641c223e8d about [[tools]] and report back [[todo]].
- [[dyokomizo]] recommended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pPI3cUWeI0 by [[david eagleman]]
- [[dyokomizo]] recommended the [[podcast]] of the [[future of life institute]] with [[stephen batchelor]]: https://soundcloud.com/futureoflife/stephen-batchelor-on-awakening-embracing-existential-risk-and-secular-buddhism
- Donation call: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1320316235947585536
- [[Twitter D&D roles]]
[[font-of-augurs]] asked what would [[ethical abundance]] look like in Flancia.
- incorporate into flancia.org/privilege [[todo]].
- Today I got into a [[git mess]] (tm): for some reason my Foam client had gotten into the logseq branch of my garden repository, which I had meant to leave exclusively for my logseq experiment. I had to run a series of git cherry-pick into 'master' to correct it; no big deal thankfully.
- [[ding-levery]] mentioned https://wiki.dbpedia.org/
- [[abstractfairy]] mentioned [[anti-libraries]].
- [[E. C.]] recommended [[Once upon a time in Hollywood]].
[[offline twitter]]
- https://www.metadharma.guide/
- Piglia photo?
- [[G. I.]] told me about his studies. Mentioned [[gatopardismo]].
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2020-10-25
- video call at meet.jit.si/2020-10-25