📕 subnode [[@evan/buddhism]]
in 📚 node [[buddhism]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-07-17.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[buddhism]]
- [[what the buddha taught]]
- [[meditation]]
- [[buddhism]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-04-09.md by @flancian
#push [[Buddhism]]
- TIL about [[Edward Conze]], scholar of [[Marxism]] and [[Buddhism]]
- TIL about [[visible mantra]], an HTTP only site which seems to have very solid content.
- [[Progeny of the Buddha]]
- Turns out [[Ananda]] and [[Kassapa]] had a conflict.
- [[Manjusri]] ~ [[Mañjuśrī]]
#push [[Garland Sutra]]
- Wikipedia says the [[Buddhāvataṃsaka-nāma-mahāvaipulya-sūtra]]is "erroneusly often referred to as the [[Avataṃsaka Sūtra]]", but elsewhere the latter is referred to as a valid short name
- c.f. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddh%C4%81vata%E1%B9%83saka_S%C5%ABtra and https://www.britannica.com/topic/Avatamsaka-sutra, maybe the rare case in which Wikipedia is more conservative than Brittanica?
- Now I notice the first word of the longer title is literally [[Buddavatamsaka]], Garland of Buddhas, so I really don't see why it says erroneously :) Made an edit.
- #push [[nikayas]]
pushed from garden/flancian/buddha.md by @flancian
#push [[buddhism]]
I consider myself a [[buddhist]].
- Mostly [[rational]], but I think it's rational to be [[irrational]] some of the time (an example of a [[hedge]] maybe).
- I try to follow the [[eightfold path]].
- I try to practice as a [[bodhisattva]].
- I believe in [[buddha nature]] as something common to all [[conscious beings]].
I consider myself a [[buddhist]].
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/buddhism
- video call at meet.jit.si/buddhism