πŸ“• subnode [[@bmann/webfeeds]] in πŸ“š node [[webfeeds]]

@MattWebb built About Feeds to explain web feeds. Introducing About Feeds is his intro article.

aboutfeeds.com is a single page website, for linking wherever you keep your web feed.

If you go to the homepage of this very blog you’ll see a header on the left that says β€œGET LATEST POSTS”. Next to that is a link that says β€œFEED.” As we all know, that link is broken unless you have a newsreader app installed. And so next it is a new link that says: HELP! WHAT IS A FEED?

I added a [[Feeds]] page. Right now, just RSS. Why not just call it RSS? Well, there's Atom, there are [[JSON Feeds]], and [[ActivityPub]] / [[ActivityStreams]] are all under the bigger umbrella of Web Feeds.

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context