Went for a bike ride in the morning. Super sunny day, but also cold. Vancouver winters have been getting brighter -- but also colder. Need a balaclava as the final piece of my biking gear, to cover my ears and neck.
Just spent 30 minutes setting up a UPS Payment Account in order to attempt to pay a bill online for customs brokerage fees. There is a 10-digit account number on the invoice, but of course clicking between the different options, the maximum is for a 9-digit account number (and that's some sort of special account?). UPS Canada, a paper invoice with a tear off, suggesting I stick a paper cheque in postal mail, is not going to work well for me OR you.
I am now using the [[chezmoi]] [[dotfiles]] manager. I've currently got my dotfiles on Github but private, I should open them up. I am trawling through walkah's dotfiles who is busy going down the [[Nix]] rabbit hole.
Cleaned up the office today, still stuff to get rid of, but especially with Province of BC announcing no social gatherings, it means the "Zoom room" here is going to be where I'm going to be spending a lot of time.
The clean up was in part because of getting the Amazon order from [yesterday]((Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)) -- webcam, torx screwdrivers, and the PowerColor graphics card. Now I'm just waiting for the [[Razer Core X Chroma]] eGPU enclosure.
Maybe I'll install the 32GB memory upgrade for the Mac Mini? Surprise! Once again the kit I ordered doesn't have the correct T6S (or H or R -- the "security" one with the hole in the middle) torx screwdriver. Aaarggghhhh!
Screenshot from the OWC Mac Mini Memory Upgrade video of where I'm stuck -- can't even get the bottom plate off without the right T6 "Secure" screwdriver!
Now I'm futzing with the setup of my notes / blog here. Using [[VS Code]] directly seems to make the most sense for me. I am "using" [[Foam]] and still figuring out how I want the various plugins setup. I turned off the Gray Matter theme, didn't quite work for me.
The author of the Markdown Notes VS Code plugin, Andrew Kortina, writes up how he has VS Code configured. I'm trying out the Tomorrow Night Theme, including some of the tweaks that Kortina uses, plus the tips on changing formats in VS Code.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2020-11-08-journal
- video call at meet.jit.si/2020-11-08-journal