📕 subnode [[@anagora.bsky.social/agora pkg chapter]]
in 📚 node [[agora-pkg-chapter]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-08-13.md by @flancian
#push [[agora pkg chapter]]
- received updated [[guidelines]] yesterday
will probably move to a [[google doc]] as that'll be the medium used for editing (makes sense because of the comment flows)
- although the end result will still make it back to Markdown
- happy about this I think? it's a good opportunity to "reboot" the effort which I partly need to do.
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-08-21.md by @flancian
-> back to #push [[agora pkg chapter]], now writing
target for today is 5k words
- 5.6k at 20:40 after an eight pomodoro (and some more time writing after the bell for the fun of it)
- [[agora]] -> [[agora pkg chapter]]
#push [[2022-08-24]]
- maximum for the submission is 10k words, maybe shoot for 8k by [[wednesday]]?
- follow the principle of adding 1k a day, only expanding ideas that are currently in [[agora protocol]] somewhere in the node already; do not add more ideas until those are fleshed out (unless something truly huge is missing somehow?)
make Meta a proper printable section for fun: maybe detail how the document exemplifies Agora Protocol, and how Agora Protocol was influenced by:
- writing the outline
- the process of converting
for fun, measure WPH when in a [[writing pomodoro]]?
- it was fun to run
wc -w agora\ pkg\ chapter.md
occasionally and seeing the number go up; but I wasn't super structured about it (e.g. I didn't keep tabs precisely pomodoro to pomodoro)
- it was fun to run
target for today is 5k words
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-08-30.md by @flancian
#push [[agora pkg chapter]]
- It's time to leave behind (for now) [[@flancian/agora pkg chapter]], meaning the Markdown file I've been editing, and move to [[Google Docs]] which is the format/medium I need to deliver on September 1st.
Because of this it makes sense to also work on [[agora docs import]] :) Looking forward.
- -> This could be a great study case for the 'resource import' (instead of the current [[repository linking]]) user journey
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/agora-pkg-chapter
- video call at meet.jit.si/agora-pkg-chapter