๐Ÿ“• subnode [[@an_agora@twitter.com/pomodoros]] in ๐Ÿ“š node [[pomodoros]]
  • #push [[pomodoros]]
    • DONE [[saer]] :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-03-02 Wed 12:59:08]--[2022-03-02 Wed 12:59:09] => 00:00:01 :END:
    • DONE [[empoderadas]]
  • #push [[pomodoros]]
    • generalizing to organizing time rationally in 30 (25+5) minute blocks
    • a pomodoro counts as a pomodoro if you defined explicitly what you wanted to do, and then did it
    • yesterday [[fotl]] and the meeting with [[st]] were both 1. great and 2. something I had planned to do, so I counted them as five pomodoros (2.5h overall)
  • #push [[pomodoros]]
    • #1 fix agora twitter bot, try to finally [[opt in writes]] with this
      • Twitter limits keep making this harder than it should be.
      • While I wait for quota to try this, I consider... what I write below.
      • #2 then do the fediverse (that bot is working currently)
    • See [[twitter agora bot]] for next actions.
  • #push [[pomodoros]]
    • the [[bootstrap]] pomodoro.
      • I try to use it to plan for the future [[pomodoros]], not deciding necessarily on order (writing them up as they come up as things to prioritize).
      • I often also clean my workspaces and prepare nutrition and infusions :)
๐Ÿ“– stoas
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