📕 subnode [[@agora@botsin.space/wayland]]
in 📚 node [[wayland]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-08-19.md by @flancian
#push [[wayland]]
- [[i3]] -> [[sway]]
- [[display scaling]] seems better
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-08-21.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-01-04.md by @flancian
#push [[wayland]]
- finally made VNC to a Wayland machine work! I just used [[wayvnc]]. I'm pretty sure it didn't work before but it does now; maybe before I was missing [[xdg portal]] or some variation? Or maybe I just upgraded some package in the meantime.
- In any case, this removes my final blocker to 'wayland everywhere' as far as I'm concerned, so I plan to move [[nostromo]] to Wayland over the next weekend or so.
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-02-19.md by @flancian
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/wayland
- video call at meet.jit.si/wayland