A first aid kit is an essential item for the home, workplace and vehicles. Check the contents of your kit regularly, and ensure that: . items have been cleaned . packets are properly sealed . items have not exceeded expiry dates . previously used items have been replaced.-
Basic first aid kit items . non-stick wound dressings
. adhesive strips (e.g. Bandaids)
. combine & eye pads
. gauze swabs
. alcohol & antiseptic swabs
. triangular bandages
. crepe bandages
. disposable hand towels
. stainless steel scissors
. blunt-nosed shears
. saline solution
. safety pins
. plastic bags
. stainless steel tweezers
. thermo/shock blanket
. notepad & pencil
. disposable nitrile gloves
. bite & itch relief gel
. cold pack (disposable)
. CPR protection mask.
Additional products: . antiseptic cream
. laxatives
. analgesic tablets
. allergy preparations
. anti-nausea preparations
. anti-diarrhoea preparations
. sunscreen, sunburn-relief
. ear ache drops
. eye drops
. cotton buds
. finger stalls
. medicine measuring cup
. thermometer
. a blue asthma inhaler (if permitted).
shop.stjohn.org.au All kit contents can be purchased from the St John online shop. Or call 1300 956 625 for kit content advice or restocking.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/english_first_aid_kit
- video call at meet.jit.si/english_first_aid_kit