A : [[podcast]]
URL : https://shows.acast.com/reasonstobecheerful/episodes/episode42.techforgood
Series : [[Reasons to be Cheerful]]
~00:09:43 Digital revolution has to be combined with democratic revolution
~00:15:25 [[Data commons]]
~00:15:50 [[Participatory democracy]] rather than just consultation
~00:19:52 [[Community mesh networks]] in [[Red Hook, Brooklyn]] and in Detroit
~00:22:26 Mesh was only network that worked in Red Hook during [[Hurricane Sandy]].
~00:23:01 Red Hook mesh works in emergency and to help those who have no connection otherwise
~00:36:30 [[Connectivity]] is fundamental to human life these days
~00:37:22 The deep value of something like WiFi is in empowering people (same true of repair cafes?)
~00:40:32 [[Bristol Approach]], damp sensing
- public document at doc.anagora.org/42-tech-for-good
- video call at meet.jit.si/42-tech-for-good