source :: https://cosmonaut.blog/2021/02/01/the-revolutionary-karl-kautsky-with-ben-lewis/
tags :: revolutionKarl Kautsky
related to :: Karl Kautsky as Architect of the October Revolution | Jacobin
Vladimir Leninwas the first and most influential person to malign Kautsky
Stalin#39;s short course also minimized the role of Kautsky
Throughout the early socialist movement there was a strong emphasis on republicanism and Kautsky also wrote about this
Perhaps this was because many early socialist countries were also effectively autocracies, and republicanism was relatively radical compared to that
Engelssaid that the French Third Republicwas "an empire without an empire"
Kautsky felt that direct democracywas of only limited use, and criticized other socialists over it
Probably not useful to think of the SPDas just a labor party but as a Marxist party that degenerated