📚 node [[2021 10 27]]



  • You cannot contain yourself, so you are in [[expansion]].
  • [[Expansion]] comes from being able to laugh at the illusion of difference, of being light with things, and overcoming [[fear]] enough to celebrate everything.
  • If something shown about [[living]] makes sense, it will make [[sense]] on every level. It will [[scale]].
  • When apathetic, let yourself be spacious. When [[fixated]] and [[angry]], let yourself be clear and precise. When obese and vain, let yourself [[expand]] with [[balance]]. When desiring to [[own]], let yourself see the details. When envious, comparing, and [[jealous]], let your [[action]]s be fulfilled.

Working on getting corporate bank account

gonna try to knock out some stuff from [[agora todo]]

learned [[prehab]] from [[ward]]

thinking about refactoring the [[agora]] into [[clojurescript]] adding to [[agora todo]]

[[david bovill]]

official seal of [[flancia social impact]]

I realized that I received an [[embosser]] for my [[corporate seal]] as part of my document package for [[flancia social impact]]

[[grace quotes]]

[[anarchy test]]

[[anarchist cybernetics]]

[[shae tattoo 2021-10-27]]

[[markdown factory]]

[[shadow cljs]]

[[david kelley]]


[[shortest ted talk]]

[[interesting ted talks]]

📖 stoas
⥱ context
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