📚 node [[2021 08 19]]


Back-journaled from 2021-08-20 as we got back late to the hotel, took a walk after a relatively late dinner in our first night in Genoa.

Took the 10:33 train to Milan, it was a pleasant ride that we've done several times before -- but of course not since the pandemic started.

It feels weird to be travelling again; we almost didn't follow through with the travel plans. It seemed... just a bit weird to be back to travelling while so many people are still heavily affectd by both the virus an its consequences. We're glad we did, though. It's good to see the world beyond our bubble, if we can do it reasonably, and 1w essentially across the border seems reasonable to us right now.

Ocell was another reason we had objections to travelling, but she is being taking care of by our neighbours, who are very sweet and even sent pictures of her today. We are very lucky!

After only 1h in Milan we took a second train to Genoa, where we'll spend a few days and tour the surroundings.

I need to do [[perf]] before next week, I think I'll grab a few hours tomorrow night and try to get it out of the way.


16:31 infohazards

<https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/1428454466181734401 >

  • depends on operating definitions! though in broad strokes, 'information that harms the listener' - interesting question. Bostrom: "true" information rather than theory
  • Haber's nitrogen work: infinite bullets, destroying europe!
  • Heisenberg; revealing that nuclear weapons are possible
  • information about scarcity; only so many people, resources, time left, causing others to despair

16:39 site improvements

the best thing i can do with my time is to make a full text search engine that's able to browse my wiki. without it, all of the information i have stocked up here is essentially useless! i don't frequently curate it or reflect upon it simply because there is too much.


carddav contacts extension application that augments a contacts server with:

  • notes on a person: don't forget a birthday
  • links to social media accounts and identities!
  • recommendations and reminders

17:08 bouba/kiki effect

8:40 switching from metrics to heuristics

classic startup line: can never build software for someone but yourself - not truly! one conversion is the ability to open software to others who have the expertises that they need to make and do what they need from their software. education software if not built by teachers will never meet the requirements of a teacher in the classroom, not exactly!

Aug 19, 2021 8:40:49 PM Jake Chvatal <jake@isnt.online>:

people can learn heuristics - more than we give them credit for! once you learn how to use the bike's gearshift, you understand what the numbers do - but if they're just labeled with strings, they're completely inflexible! https://museapp.com/podcast/34-bring-your-own-client/?utm_source=geoffreylitt&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=function-follows-form

[zebras 2021-08-19]: ../pages/zebras 2021-08-19.md "zebras 2021-08-19" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

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⥅ related node [[2021 08 28_19 35 12_137071_1]]
⥅ related node [[zebras 2021 08 19]]