πŸ“š node [[2020 05 31]]


[[Putting the space in cyberspace]]

[[Wandering the web]]


I've been having fun making a couple of playlists on Kicks' Duxtape.

β₯… [[Duxtapes/2020-05-31_11-38-27_2hRf3LY.png]]

I've always seen mixtapes a way for discovering artists, not piracy. As it's on [[hyper]]/[[Beaker]], the mixtapes are in theory decentralised and less likely to get taken offline.

For some artificial constraints, I’m making them all 6 tracks, under 30 minutes, and picking out tunes based on the alphabetical order of the artists. (And naming them after peaks in Wainwright’s guides to the Lake District…)

[[Sunderland Point]]

I cycled to a tiny place called [[Sunderland Point]] today.

To get there you have to go via a small road through a [[salt marsh]] that may or may not be passable, depending on the tide. I like salt marshes.

β₯… [[photos/sunderland-point.jpg]]

According to Wikipedia, "Sunderland is unique in the United Kingdom as being the only community to be on the mainland and yet dependent upon tidal access."

It's got a shitty history as being a port that was part of the slave trade. Sadly there's quite a bit of that history around Lancaster.

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β₯… related node [[2020 05 31_11 38 27_2hrf3ly]]
β₯… related node [[20200713205316 middle_ages]]