ankostis |
garden/ankostis/ |
@ankostis |
epa-indoor-air-quality-webinar |
garden/ankostis/ |
@ankostis |
git-stuff |
garden/ankostis/ |
@ankostis |
Good and Mad |
garden/bbchase/book notes/Good and |
@bbchase |
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now |
garden/bbchase/book notes/Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right |
@bbchase |
Why Walkable Cities Are Good for the Economy, According to a City Planner |
garden/bbchase/Why Walkable Cities Are Good for the Economy, According to a City |
@bbchase |
A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden |
garden/binnyva/A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital |
@binnyva |
2020-09-26-journal |
garden/bmann/_logs/ |
@bmann |
2020-10-03-journal |
garden/bmann/_logs/ |
@bmann |
2020-10-05-journal |
garden/bmann/_logs/ |
@bmann |
2020-10-13-journal |
garden/bmann/_logs/ |
@bmann |
2020-11-08-journal |
garden/bmann/_logs/ |
@bmann |
blog-colophon |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
chromebook |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
colophon |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
discourse |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
glitch |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
goggles |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
macmini |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
office-space-vancouver |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
pkgsrc |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
processing |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
walletconf |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
wiki |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
yearlog |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
2008-01-31-web-directions-north-2008-3-stages-of-dynamic-systems-wrap-up |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/ |
@bmann |
2012-11-24-flickr-question |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2016-06-14-flickr-to-self-hosted |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2017-08-19-blockchain-open-source-definitions |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-07-01-berlin-observations |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-07-02-conferences-as-community-gathering |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-09-03-hello-spade |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-09-16-time-crm-tool-update |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-09-29-micro-blog-jekyll-micro-pub-and-indie-web |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-09-30-blockchain-governance-101-vlad |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-10-06-further-thoughts-on-the-fair |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-10-11-commons-based-peer-production |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2019-01-01-flickr-exports-jekyll |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2019-03-31-ethereum-governance |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-01-10-founder-notes-tam-kbeili-at |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-02-21-tools-for-home-cooking |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-07-04-new-blog-microblog |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
1035 |
garden/bouncepaw-betula/1035.myco |
@bouncepaw-betula |
Shirky: Situated Software |
garden/bouncepaw-betula/Shirky: Situated Software.myco |
@bouncepaw-betula |
historique |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
modeleeconomique |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
faircoin |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/Nos amis/ |
@communecter |
presse |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
financement |
garden/communecter/03 - Contribuer/ |
@communecter |
activitypub |
garden/communecter/04 - Documentation technique/ |
@communecter |
strasbourg |
garden/communecter/05 - Animer Déployer/Exemples de dynamique locale/ |
@communecter |
contrats |
garden/communecter/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
presentation |
garden/communecter/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
stage |
garden/communecter/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
coforms Tech |
garden/communecter/09 - COForms/coforms |
@communecter |
mozilla |
garden/communecter/14 - CODossier/ |
@communecter |
historique |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
modeleeconomique |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
faircoin |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/Nos amis/ |
@communecter |
presse |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
financement |
garden/communecter/en/03 - Contribuer/ |
@communecter |
activitypub |
garden/communecter/en/04 - Documentation technique/ |
@communecter |
strasbourg |
garden/communecter/en/05 - Animer Déployer/Exemples de dynamique locale/ |
@communecter |
contrats |
garden/communecter/en/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
stage |
garden/communecter/en/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
coforms Tech |
garden/communecter/en/08 - COForms/coforms |
@communecter |
mozilla |
garden/communecter/en/13- CODossier/ |
@communecter |
1850--but-faster |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-context-centric-culture-isn-t-the-result-of-everybody-being-always-fair--but-the-result-of-most |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-design-for-a-hypothetical-undergraduate-CS-curriculum |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-Dispatch-from-the-Infected-Future |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-periodic-reminder |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-short-glossary-of-tech-industry-terms |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-Short-History-of-Procedurally-Generated-Text |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Absolutely |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Ad-tech-and-fatigue |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Against-trendism--how-to-defang-the-social-media-disinformation-complex |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Against-UI-standardization |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Alternate-Computer-Universes--Jef-Raskin-s-Macintosh |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
An-Engineer-s-Guide-to-the-Docuverse |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
And--I-disagree-on-that-count |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Announcing-the-2018-No-Budget-Film-Contest |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Announcing-the-2019-No-Budget-Film-Contest |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
As-an-engineer--identifying-with-the-engineering-attitude-moreso-than-the-artistic-one--I-think |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Automation---philosophy |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Baudrillard-reified-the-spectacular-nature-of-Desert-Storm-s-media-coverage-with-his-famous-phrase |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Big-and-small-computing |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Commercial-success-is-almost-entirely-a-matter-of-luck |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Composability--homogeneity--and-language-based-systems |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Computing-and-craft-among-the-end-users |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Conditions-for-the-possibility-of-exit |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Context-centric-cultures---call-out-cultures |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Cyberdelia-reading-list |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Did-You-Know |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Do-you-find-that-there-s-a-difference-in-effectiveness-between-films-with-a-supernatural-focus |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Do-you-listen-to-the-Desert-Oracle-Radio-podcast |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Don-t-say--technology |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Durarara-as-a-moral-laboratory |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Enough-to-be-Dangerous |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Exocortex-tools-part-I--social-media-automation-with-very-small-shell-scripts |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Fantastic--as-always--Maybe-even-better-this-time |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Fiction-generator-post-mortem--comic-book-generation |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Fiction-generator-post-mortem--mythology-generation |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
For-a-couple-years-i-the-early-naughts--I-mostly-ran-DOS-with-various-experimental---unusual |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Free-software-and-the-revolt-against-transactionality |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Generally-speaking--the-best-solution-is-one-of-the-solutions-not-yet-explored--simply-because-it |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Good-design-for-developers---good-design-for-non-developers-don-t-operate-by-different-rules |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Guidelines-for-future-hypertext-systems |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Hard-pills-to-swallow |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Have-you-tried |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Hill-House-vs-Hill-House--two-different-kinds-of-hauntings |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Honest-AWS-ad-copy |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
How-much-bad-UI-design-comes-from-a-focus-on-making-the-UI-consistent-with-underlying-code-that-was |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
How-to-contribute-to-open-source-without-stress |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
How-to-fail-at-culture-jamming |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I--too--get-more-traffic---more-responses-on-Quora--except--of-course--when-I-cross-promote-my |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-always-maintain-that-a-good--thoughtful--well-constructed-review-of-a-very-flawed-work-is-more |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-always-thought-it-was-a-good-match-for-academia--particularly-philosophy--theology----literary |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-always-wonder-a-little-bit-why-dependency-tracking-systems-that-don-t-strictly-require-ordering |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-d-argue-that-the-BEAM-needs-a-prolog-y-language-too---erlang-is-prolog-like-in-syntax-only |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-d-like-to-defend-the-idea-of-putting-plop-art-specifically-in-places-that-the-pieces |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-d-probably-start-with-Jef-Raskin-s-book-The-Humane-Interface |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-don-t-know-where-the-number-2501-comes-from |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-don-t-remember-writing-this-but-it-looks-exactly-like-my-writing-style |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-don-t-think-it-s-a-coincidence-that-Vallee-is-among-the-most-lucid-of-the-mid-century-ufologists |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-find-subscribing-to-medium-worthwhile-if-only-because-it-gives-me-the-equivalent-of-a |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-have-my-own-version--in-pure-shell--using--usr-share-dict--https---github-com-enkiv2-xkcd-password |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-have-my-own-version--in-pure-shell--using--usr-share-dict |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-hope-so |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-being-a-little-more-prescriptive-than-descriptive----that-s-probably-why-my-categorization-is |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-happy-that-somebody-s-finally-starting-to-address-some-of-the-web-s-big-design-oversights |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-in-favor-of-breaking-down-artificial-barriers-that-make-modifying-applications-artificially |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-with-you-here--Gutboom |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-think-we-need-to-apply-social-pressure-on-two-sides--against-people-who-don-t-assume-interactions |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-thought-this-was-going-to-turn-into-a-full-rejection-of-the-representativeness-heuristic--and-was |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-took-some-time-to-look-through-what-you-said-and-checked-around-the-internet |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-was-excited-for-the-Haunting-of-Hill-House-series--though-curious-how-they-were-going-to-turn-it |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-worry-about-the-tendency-of-large-institutions-to-coalesce-power---apply-that-power-toward-their |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-wrote-a-book |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-you-ve-got-a-head-mounted--or-head-mountable--HDMI-display-and-portable-keyboard--the-pi-zero |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
In-short-it-seems-that-for-you--predictability--refers-to-output-while--uniformity--refers-to |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-2 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-3 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-I |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-II |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-III |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Is-it--I-ve-heard-mostly-positive-things-about-it-since-it-came-out |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
It-s-a-mistake-to-consider-Wikileaks-as-a-media-organization--because-they-are-generally-anti |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
It-s-easy-for-automatic-habits-to-take-over-even-when-doing-things-that-seem-like--original |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
It-was-not-intended-to-present-a-list-of-alternatives--because-I-have-covered-alternatives |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Jamming-the-Signal--Better-Living-Through-Subliminal-Messages |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
John-Higgs--in-his-history-Stranger-than-We-Can-Imagine--makes-the-argument-that-unintelligability |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
John-M--Ford-s-Web-of-Angels-bears-the-same-relationship-to-Neuromancer-as-Cordwainer-Smith-s |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Joke-generating-AI-has-been-an-area-of-research-since-at-least-the-1970s---so--around-the-same-time |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Kaukatcr--an-experiment-in-language-design-for-multi-dimensional-spaces |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Let-s-pretend-this-never-happened |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Meditations-on-morality |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Medium-started-out-with-the-goal-of-fixing-clickbait--and-the--correct--understanding-that-an-ad |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Microsoft--Github--and-distributed-revision-control |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Music-to-Prose-Conversion--Stravinsky-s-Rite-of-Spring-and-Firebird-Suite |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
My-Intellectual-Progress--2010-2019 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
My-mom-isn-t-dumb--but-she-has-not-and-never-had-any-interest-in-learning-how-tech-works |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Mycroft---A-Predicate-Logic-Language---Overview---Post-mortem |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
News-and-Lies-1--In-Defense-of--some--Propaganda |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
News-and-Lies-2 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
On-alternatives |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
On-Funimation-s-recently-announced-licensing-plan-change |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
On-infohazards |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
On-revolutionary-ideas |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
On-tackiness |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
One-of-the-most-underrated-parts-about-proper-skepticism-is-avoiding-or-circumventing-idea |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Orality--Literacy--Hyper-Literacy |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Perhaps-a-good-model-for-a--left-wing-game---if-we-take-seriously-the-idea-that-right-left-division |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Post-mortem-of-a-fiction-generator--asemic-writing-with-some-properties-of-natural-languages |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Predictability-refers-to-the-ability-to-be-predicted--Uniformity-refers-to-being-the-same |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Predictable--means-that-the-user--before-performing-an-action--can-imagine-the-results-of-that |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Programming-a-computer-is-nothing-like-building-a-car--and-everything-like-changing-your-oil |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Programming-as-expression |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Pulp-media-is-a-goldmine-for-culture-for-the-same-reason-that-a-latrine-pit-is-a-goldmine-for |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Quick-OmniStage-history |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Science-fiction-movies-are-extremely-rare |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Scuttlebutt-quickstart-guide |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Small-computing--artisanal-computing |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
So-much-of-debugging-is-about-playing-the-game-of-lists--and-so-much-debugging-is-still-necessary |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Software-utopianism-in-a-flawed-universe |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Software-vs-Capital |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Some-tentative-guidelines-for-GUI-composability |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Sorry--that-s-my-Canon-Cat-article--I-meant-to-link-to-this-one |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Sort-by-controversial-as-a-proxy-for-information-content |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Structural-typing--and-its-integration-with-prototype-OO--might-be-one-way-to-address-the-platypus |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Subchara-moedynamics |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Talking-about-Dribble-is-undercutting-exactly-how-stupidly-static-the-western-idea-of--good-design |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Tech-s-Masturbatory-Historiography |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-best---most-complete-technical-introduction-is-mine |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-best-description-of-it-is-probably-still-in-Licklider-s-Man-Computer-Symbiosis---Englebart-s |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-buttons-on-that-type-of-radio--and-on-cassette-walkmans--have-other--tactile-indicators-of |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-Flawed-History-of-Graphical-User-Interfaces |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-House-on-Foulness |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-interface-should-be-predictable--but-that-is-not-the-same-as-uniform |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-language-around-free-speech-in-civil-libertarian-circles-is-flawed |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-manufacture-of-steam-engine-time |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-problem-with-Electron |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-problem-with-meaning |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-uncanny-practicality-of-impracticality |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-whole--programmers-are-a-special-genetically-superior-elite-of-deep-thinkers--meme-really |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-winners-have-been-announced--https---medium-com--enkiv2-announcing-the-winners-of-the-2017-no |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-WTF-Awards---sketching-a-map-to-an-escape-from-steam-engine-time |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-are-links-to-the-PDFs-of-the-three-generated-comics-in-the-third-to-last-paragraph--the-one |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-might-be-a-useful-overlap-with-transliterature-technology-here |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-s-another-problem-with--trending----it-gets-the-value-distribution-relationship-of |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-s-another-reason-why-bad-films-are-particularly-beloved-by-cinephiles--they-illustrate--by |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-was-never-an--open-web |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Think-about-what-you-re-claiming-for-a-second |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
This-essay-feels-like-two-essays-combined--the-first-about-the-importance-of-erring-on-the-side-of |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
This-experiment-might-prove-an-interesting-basis-for-the-artistic-use-of-transclusion |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
This-is-a-good-point |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Thoughts-on-generating-mystery---heist-stories |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Today-I-was-in-couple-good-threads-on-programming-metaprogramming-and-on-the-design-of-universal |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Trajectories-for-the-future-of-software |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Trendism---cognitive-stagnation |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Ultimately--when-you-re-in-a-business-context--you-need-to-please-the-people-above-you-in-the |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Un-Jobsifying-software-development |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Uniform-UIs-are-the-enemy--Problems-are-not-uniform--and-solutions-should-fit-their-problems |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Visible---Invisible-Architecture |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Warren-Ellis-s-Planetary-is-a-great-comic---good-to-read-along-with-Grant-Morrison-s-The-Invisibles |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
We-all-know-about-social-constructs-vs-reality--but-there-are-levels-of-spookiness--and-no-upper |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
We-may-be-talking-about-different-things |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
We-segregate-licensed-medical-doctors-based-on-their-licensing--and-do-not-allow-non-doctors-to |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
We-should-kick-this-off-with-a-bang--by-writing-RP-fanfiction-in-the-form-of-a-listicle-of-rhyming |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
What-is-the-character-of-internet-technologies |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
What-people-get-wrong-about-Xanadu |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
When-we-impose-our-philosophy-on-users--we-create-things-that-don-t-work-out-of-the-box-for-those |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Winners-for-the-2018-No-Budget-Film-Contest |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Worse--and-when---how-it-can-be--better |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
XANA---iX--A-history---post-mortem-of-two-small-operating-system-projects |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Yeah--I-think-that-if-a-hiring-manager-or-human-resources-person-is-grading-people-on-whether-or |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
You-might-get-more-out-of-the-third-article-in-this-series--then |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
You-re-very-welcome |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Yup--this-is-exactly-what-I-meant |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
agora |
garden/ | |
anagora |
garden/ | |
botginia |
garden/ | |
go |
garden/ | |
goals |
garden/ | |
irchelpark |
garden/ | |
meta |
garden/ | |
plan |
garden/ | |
poverty |
garden/ | |
way |
garden/ | |
a-new-corporation-type |
garden/ | |
bad-showers |
garden/ | |
beatboxing |
garden/ | |
bologna |
garden/ | |
evolution |
garden/ | |
foreground |
garden/ | |
machine-learning |
garden/ | |
music |
garden/ | |
nikola |
garden/ | |
on-writing |
garden/ | |
procrastination |
garden/ | |
scaruffi |
garden/ | |
time |
garden/ | |
todo |
garden/ | |
wikipedia |
garden/ | |
2020-07-24 |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
2020-10-10 |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
2020-10-26 |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
allergic reaction |
garden/flancian/allergic |
@flancian |
armengolaltayo |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
category theory basics |
garden/flancian/category theory |
@flancian |
conflict vs mistake |
garden/flancian/conflict vs |
@flancian |
dennis gabor |
garden/flancian/dennis |
@flancian |
hypergraph |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
hypha |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
john perry barlow |
garden/flancian/john perry |
@flancian |
2022_04_30 |
garden/flancian/journal/ |
@flancian |
marina garcés |
garden/flancian/marina garcé |
@flancian |
meditation |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
mikaeln |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
read |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
sebastian gandera |
garden/flancian/sebastian |
@flancian |
shambhala buddhism |
garden/flancian/shambhala |
@flancian |
tabs |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
velintonia |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
years |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
2018-09-13-notes-the-first-20-hours |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
2018-11-15-mindbender |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
2018-11-24-paperclips-in-you |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
2021-10-28-notes-secret-history-ii |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
Search and Seizure |
garden/forshaper/notes/pages/Search and |
@forshaper |
E--Automatic-mailing-list-for-incremental-brainstorming |
garden/houshuang/content/ |
@houshuang |
Zettelkasten |
garden/houshuang/content/ |
@houshuang |
2020-12-07 |
garden/jakeisnt/journals/ |
@jakeisnt |
2021-01-04 |
garden/jakeisnt/journals/ |
@jakeisnt |
acl2 |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
blogs |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
camera |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
elm |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
Entreprenuership |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
essays |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
etc |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
ethical-web |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
formal-spec-langauges |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
fuzzers |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
keyboard |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
language |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
lisp |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
longform-computer-texts |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
longterm |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
machine-learning |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
mail |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
nix |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
programming-languages |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
react |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
reasons-not-to-use |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
ricing |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
rust |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
ssh |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
sweden-todo |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
text-editors |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
theoremprover |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
vim |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
android |
garden/karlicoss/android/ |
@karlicoss |
human-body |
garden/karlicoss/biology/ |
@karlicoss |
blog |
garden/karlicoss/blog/ |
@karlicoss |
log |
garden/karlicoss/books/ |
@karlicoss |
prog-21-century |
garden/karlicoss/books/ |
@karlicoss |
cooking |
garden/karlicoss/food/ |
@karlicoss |
food-misc |
garden/karlicoss/food/ |
@karlicoss |
health |
garden/karlicoss/health/ |
@karlicoss |
nutrition |
garden/karlicoss/health/ |
@karlicoss |
sleep |
garden/karlicoss/health/ |
@karlicoss |
backups |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
exports |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
infra |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
personal-assistant |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
webarchive |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
german |
garden/karlicoss/languages/ |
@karlicoss |
linux |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
differential-forms |
garden/karlicoss/math/ |
@karlicoss |
math-misc |
garden/karlicoss/math/ |
@karlicoss |
reprtheory |
garden/karlicoss/math/ |
@karlicoss |
memex |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
mind |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
eeg |
garden/karlicoss/misc/ |
@karlicoss |
misc |
garden/karlicoss/misc/ |
@karlicoss |
travel |
garden/karlicoss/misc/ |
@karlicoss |
music-theory |
garden/karlicoss/music/ |
@karlicoss |
music |
garden/karlicoss/music/ |
@karlicoss |
classical-mechanics |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
cosmology |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
fun-with-lagrangians |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
gauge-invariance |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
general-relativity |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
physics-misc |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
physics |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
qft |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
quantum-gravity |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
quantum |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
symplectic |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
orgmode |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
pkm |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
spacedrep |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
agda |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
bash |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
elisp |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
fp |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
haskell |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
javascript |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
lisp |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
programming-misc |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
best-practices |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/ |
@karlicoss |
error-handling |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/ |
@karlicoss |
python |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/ |
@karlicoss |
python_tricks |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/ |
@karlicoss |
typing |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/ |
@karlicoss |
webext |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
axol |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
cachew |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
dashboard |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
ext |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ext/ |
@karlicoss |
fgroup |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
misc |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
promnesia |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
timeline |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
qs-misc |
garden/karlicoss/quantifiedself/ |
@karlicoss |
qs |
garden/karlicoss/quantifiedself/ |
@karlicoss |
sleep-tracking |
garden/karlicoss/quantifiedself/ |
@karlicoss |
self |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
dotfiles |
garden/karlicoss/setup/ |
@karlicoss |
singularity |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
decentralization |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
dictation |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
emacs |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
git |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
rss |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
shell |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
software |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
tostudy |
garden/karlicoss/study/ |
@karlicoss |
think |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
toread |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
Data-AI-ML Pipeline creation links |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Data-AI-ML Pipeline creation |
@KGBicheno |
NLP Citations for 'The Pile' |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/FOSS Projects/EleutherAI/NLP Citations for 'The Pile'.md |
@KGBicheno |
Collating meta-content with AI |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Collating meta-content with |
@KGBicheno |
Natural Language Processing |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Natural Language |
@KGBicheno |
Opinions on AI replacing jobs |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Opinions on AI replacing |
@KGBicheno |
Optimising the editorial work process with AI |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Optimising the editorial work process with |
@KGBicheno |
Popularity of AI journalistic tools |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Popularity of AI journalistic |
@KGBicheno |
Recurring origin stories of AI |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Recurring origin stories of |
@KGBicheno |
Sports, fans, and data-chewing bots |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Sports, fans, and data-chewing |
@KGBicheno |
How AI amplifies an employee's role |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Watson AI Overview/Module 1 - How Watson AI works/How AI amplifies an employee's |
@KGBicheno |
Retail Sales |
garden/KGBicheno/Economics/Retail |
@KGBicheno |
jury-instructions |
garden/law/ |
@law |
hélène cixous |
garden/luciana/hélène |
@luciana |
2021-03-05 |
garden/luciana/journal/ |
@luciana |
books-olia-lialina-turing-complete-user |
garden/maya/ |
@maya |
candlemas |
garden/maya/ |
@maya |
lego |
garden/melanocarpa/lego.myco |
@melanocarpa |
twitter |
garden/melanocarpa/twitter.myco |
@melanocarpa |
activitypub |
garden/moa-party/_notes/ |
@moa-party |
2018-07-18-no-replies-mentions-twitter |
garden/moa-party/_posts/ |
@moa-party |
2020-05-02 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
2020-06-28 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
acfm-trip-1-out-of-the-box |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
an-ecosocialist-strategy-to-win-the-future |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
behaviour-change-or-system-change |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
bliki-tooling |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
blogging |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
carbon-capture-and-sequestration |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
center-for-humane-technology |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
community-production-coop |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
consul |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
conversations-with-gamechangers-grassroots-liberation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
deep-adaptation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
digital-campfires |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
dulongderosnay2020-digital-commons |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
elinor-ostroms-rules-for-radicals |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
ethical-consumerism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
feminist-economics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
first-and-third-world-ecosocialisms |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
five-principles-of-a-socialist-climate-politics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
for-an-anti-colonial-anti-racist-environmentalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
free-culture |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
free-software-economics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
governable-stacks-against-digital-colonialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
historical-materialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
how-systems-theory-can-help-us-reflect-on-the-world |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
how-to-build-a-new-world-in-the-shell-of-the-old |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
hugo-blanco |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
hypercard |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
imperialism-is-the-arsonist-of-our-fires-and-savannas |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
imperialism-is-the-arsonist-of-our-forests-and-savannas |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
information-literacy |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
jackson-rising |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
2021-10-10 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2021-11-04 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
lisbon |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
luddites |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
meat-consumption |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
new-forest |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
perdido-street-station |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
petnames |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
reclaiming-the-stacks-how-ict-workers-can-contribute-to-a-transition-to-ecosocialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
repair |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
right-to-repair-in-the-uk |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
shackles-of-digital-freedom |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
social-coop-spring-2022-strategy-session |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
socialist-chile |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
solar-powered-website |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
some-books-ive-read |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
sustainable-development-index |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
systems-thinking-and-how-it-can-help-build-a-sustainable-world-a-beginning-conversation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
technological-sovereignty |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-preston-model |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-stack-as-an-integrative-model-of-global-capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
thoughts-on-ostroms-rules-for-radicals-chapter-1 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
thoughts-on-ostroms-rules-for-radicals-chapter-2 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
to-file |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
transition-together-summit |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
universal-basic-income-or-universal-basic-services |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
utopia |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
utopian-socialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
we-should-have-public-ownership-of-energy |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
what-is-wrong-with-a-system-of-laissez-faire-economics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
when-nature-and-society-are-seen-through-the-lens-of-dialectics-and-systems-thinking |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
A Better Way to Look at Most Every Political Issue |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/A Better Way to Look at Most Every Political |
@protopian |
Deep Laziness |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Deep |
@protopian |
First Principles The Building Blocks of True Knowledge |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/First Principles The Building Blocks of True |
@protopian |
Frame Control |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Frame |
@protopian |
In honor of the 10th anniversary of launching Twitch... |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/In honor of the 10th anniversary of launching |
@protopian |
Liberals need to fight for their values again |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Liberals need to fight for their values |
@protopian |
Mister Rogers Had a Simple Set of Rules for Talking to Children |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Mister Rogers Had a Simple Set of Rules for Talking to |
@protopian |
Motherhood brings the most dramatic brain changes of a woman’s life |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Motherhood brings the most dramatic brain changes of a woman’s |
@protopian |
New Sentences From ‘A Long Way From Home,’ by Peter Carey |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/New Sentences From ‘A Long Way From Home,’ by Peter |
@protopian |
Please stop calling dopamine the ‘pleasure chemical’ |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Please stop calling dopamine the ‘pleasure chemical’.md |
@protopian |
Reversible and Irreversible Decisions |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Reversible and Irreversible |
@protopian |
The death of the newsfeed |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The death of the |
@protopian |
The Digital Maginot Line |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Digital Maginot |
@protopian |
The end of the system of the world |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The end of the system of the |
@protopian |
The Power of Positive People |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Power of Positive |
@protopian |
Why decentralization matters |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Why decentralization |
@protopian |
Why we need a new word for “lazy” |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Why we need a new word for “lazy”.md |
@protopian |
Games |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Books/ |
@protopian |
Why We're Polarized |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Books/Why We're |
@protopian |
Tweets From Jash Dholani |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Jash |
@protopian |
Tweets From Mechanical Monk 🌇 |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Mechanical Monk 🌇.md |
@protopian |
Tweets From Visakan Veerasamy |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Visakan |
@protopian |
Eric's Render Notes in MX |
garden/rel8/Eric's Render Notes in |
@rel8 |
T4T S01E03 - Space, Pixels and Cognition (Yiliu and John) |
garden/rel8/T4T S01E03 - Space, Pixels and Cognition (Yiliu and John).md |
@rel8 |
T4T S01E08 - Funding Tools for Thinking (Andrew, James and John) |
garden/rel8/T4T S01E08 - Funding Tools for Thinking (Andrew, James and John).md |
@rel8 |
T4T S01E14 - Digital Gardening (Maggie and Rob) |
garden/rel8/T4T S01E14 - Digital Gardening (Maggie and Rob).md |
@rel8 |
20200623221652-it_was_the_virus_that_did_it_michael_robert_s_blog |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20201129134741-a_companion_to_marx_s_capital_vol_2 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20210602130026-cuba_past_present_and_future_cosmopod |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
a-companion-to-marxs-capital-vol-2 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
a-companion-to-marxs-capital |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
a_companion_to_marx_s_capital |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
cuba-past-present-and-future-cosmopod |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
it-was-the-virus-that-did-it-michael-roberts-blog |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
C- Programmable text interfaces are the future |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Programmable text interfaces are the |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Ambiguity and Engagement |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Ambiguity and |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Are theoretical results Results |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Are theoretical results |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Organizing knowledge with multi-level content |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Organizing knowledge with multi-level |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Where the semantic publishing rubber meets the scholarly practice road |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Where the semantic publishing rubber meets the scholarly practice |
@scalingsynthesis |
Readwise |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/ |
@scalingsynthesis |
Standoff Annotation |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Standoff |
@scalingsynthesis |
Taiwanese Legal Crowdsourcing |
garden/seph/Taiwanese Legal |
@seph |
Cellar |
garden/sparql/pages/ |
@sparql |
20230628192746-computer_illumination |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
javascript-clojurescript-interop |
garden/ | |
immer protocol |
garden/vera/immer |
@vera |
feminist economics |
garden/vera/pages/feminist |
@vera |
what is feminist economics |
garden/vera/pages/what is feminist |
@vera |
laramie-county-library |
garden/yiction/ |
@yiction |
alexandra-elbakyan |
stoa/ | |
fellowship-of-the-link |
stoa/ | |
fotl |
stoa/ | |
hypha-2021-10-13 |
stoa/ | |
social-coop-tech-group |
stoa/ | |
22 |
stream/ | |
activitypub |
stream/ | |
blueSky |
stream/ | |
commons |
stream/ | |
d60 |
stream/ | |
daylight saving |
stream/ | |
deltoidal hexecontahedron |
stream/ | |
DontLookUp |
stream/ | |
fediverse |
stream/ | |
fediverseInfo |
stream/ | |
Lady Lurup |
stream/ | |
monsterdon |
stream/ | |
patterns |
stream/ | |
Punjabi samosa |
stream/ | |
social housing |
stream/ | |
SubparGenius |
stream/ | |
webComponent |
stream/ | |
webComponents |
stream/ | |
webDev |
stream/ | |
wien |
stream/ | |
aviation |
stream/ | |
dalle2 |
stream/ | |
health |
stream/ | |
stream/ | |
Noragami |
stream/ | |
patterns |
stream/ | |
RedVelvet |
stream/ | |
the big picture |
stream/ big | |
the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction |
stream/ work of art in the age of mechanical | |
레드벨벳 |
stream/레드벨벳.md | |
아이린 |
stream/아이린.md | |
ChatGPT |
stream/ | |
d60 |
stream/ | |
deltoidal hexecontahedron |
stream/ | |
gabor lecture |
stream/ | |
Illustrated Transformer |
stream/ | |
Jay Alammar |
stream/ | |
stream/ | |
social housing |
stream/ | |
Society of Mind |
stream/ of | |
stream/ | |
violence |
stream/ | |
wien |
stream/ | |
Zizek |
stream/ | |
Ẑiẑek |
stream/Ẑiẑ | |
Society of Mind |
stream/ of | |