layout: post title: Cloud Camp Vancouver created: 1268500361 categories:
- Events tags:
- Cloud Camp
- Cloud Camp Vancouver
- ccyvr
- Discovery Parks Vancouver
- Tropo
- RightScale
- Animoto
- Vancouver
I'm at Cloud Camp Vancouver today. It's at the Discovery Parks Vancouver venue where we had Barcamp Vancouver 2009. The Twitter hashtag is #cloudcamp #vancouver. I'll be doing updates throughout the day.
Cool, Adam Kalsey flew up from Sacramento to attend (he's with Tropo now). First time I've met him in person, been following his blog for many many years.
Questions from Troy to kick off the day: How many are business oriented? 1/3 How many are technical oriented? 2/3
Dave Nielsen, CloudCamp founder, kicking off the day, talking about unconferences, Open Space concept, etc. Only about 1/3 of people have attended an "unconference" before.
Troy kicking things off with a RightScale lightning talk. Animoto launched on Facebook using RightScale scaling: "try and run around provisioning 4700 physical servers in 2 days" - no way to do it without cloud.
Took part in an expert panel to kick off the day. I talked about the question of what companies are doing "cloud" in Vancouver. I ended up putting up a wiki page - Vancouver Cloud Projects. Please add your own links to companies.
- public document at
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