<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
This will paginate over our one dimensional `taxAndValues` collection that we are yet to make. Let's make it now.
First, lets make a list of the taxonomies we are using.
const taxonomies = [
Assuming your taxonomies list is indeed just called taxonomies
, you can paste this code in without trouble
eleventyConfig.addCollection('taxAndValues',function(collectionApi) {
// lets make a variable to hold our taxonomies and values
let taxAndValues = []
// We need to get each post in our posts folder. In my case this is /c
const nodes = collectionApi.getFilteredByGlob('pages/c/*.md')
// next lets iterate over all the nodes
nodes.forEach(node => {
// and then iterate over the taxonomies
taxonomies.forEach(taxonomy => {
// I don't want to paginate date, for instance
// this is why my collectionControl is using objects instead of arrays
if (node?.data?.[taxonomy]) {
// this is typeof on drugs
switch(({}).toString.call(node.data[taxonomy]).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase()) {
// if it is an array (for tags especially)
case 'array':
node.data[taxonomy].forEach(item =>
// otherwise
default: taxAndValues.push([taxonomy,node.data[taxonomy]])
// custom set, sets don't work with objects
const unique = [...new Set(taxAndValues.map(JSON.stringify))].map(JSON.parse)
return unique
A quick break
Lets git commit! We are making great progress!
$ git commit --all -m "start working on taxonomies"
I would also like to take a moment to remember my English bulldog. Today, two years ago, she left us at the age of 14. She was a wonderful dog, and I feel so lucky to have lived those 14 years with her. May she snore forever in heaven.
::: details Bulldog picture :::
Creating useful pages
We are now generating these pages a proper way, but something is still missing. These pages don't have content!
Let's reopen taxValue.njk
, and add to the page
(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<a href="{{ post.url | url }}">{{ post.data.title }}</a>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)
We will now largely copy and paste the same code that we did in the first collection
eleventyConfig.addCollection("nestedTax", function (collectionApi) {
let nestedTax = {};
const nodes = collectionApi.getFilteredByGlob("pages/c/*.md");
nodes.forEach(node => {
taxonomies.forEach(taxonomy => {
if (node?.data?.[taxonomy]) {
// if the taxonomy in the object does not yet exist
if (!nestedTax[taxonomy]) nestedTax[taxonomy] = {};
// like "computing" or "blog"
const taxValue = node.data[taxonomy]
switch ({}.toString.call(taxValue).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "array": {
taxValue.forEach(item => {
// if the value in the object does not yet exist
if (!nestedTax[taxonomy][item]) nestedTax[taxonomy][item] = [];
// then add the entire page to it
default: {
// if the value in the object does not yet exist
if (!nestedTax[taxonomy][taxValue])
nestedTax[taxonomy][taxValue] = [];
// then add the entire page to it
return nestedTax;
I'm sorry for the complex code! If you have any suggestions to improve readability, please let me know!
Legal (You don't want to get sued)
All code on this page (text within <code>
html tags) is hereby released under the unlicense. Consider sending a small tip via librepay!
- public document at doc.anagora.org/11ty-taxonomies
- video call at meet.jit.si/11ty-taxonomies