Kerry has had many articles published in UK equestrian magazines (and further afield...):-
[[Riding Dynamics]] is Kerry's book exploring horse and rider as a unified system.
[[Saving Tamtam]] is a follow-on article to "Power Source". It explores the rehabilitation of a horse with muscular problems.
[[Helping Hoof for the Fells]] Cumbria magazine pp 18-21 September 2017
Power Source: Keep your horse on top form by taking care of his muscles Horse Magazine pp84-87 April 2013
Improve your riding without riding!. [ source]
Improve your riding without riding! Horse & Rider Magazine pp57-64 January 2010
Introducing Riding Dynamics Equine Excellence Magazine (Australia) January 2009
Ideas from French Dressage British Dressage Magazine January 2006
Vive La France (Episode Deux) Horse & Rider Magazine pp48-52 July 2005
Vive La France (Part 1). [ source]
Headshakers Anonymous. [ source]
Vive La France (Part 1) Horse & Rider Magazine pp16-20 June 2005
Headshakers Anonymous Horse & Rider Magazine pp88-90 May 2000
The [[Emperor's New Clothes]] April 2000
Learning the Language of Feel. [ source]
Learning the Language of Feel Horse & Rider Magazine pp 32-35 April 1998
- public document at
- video call at