📚 node [[ubuntu 20 04 basic server setup]]

Ubuntu 20.04 basic server setup

Rough notes on the steps I usually take when setting up a new VPS. Things are a little bit different for Ubuntu 20.04. Like MySQL 8 rather than 5.7. And having to manually install bash-completion!?

Server essentials

apt install bash-completion
apt install ufw
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow https
ufw enable
apt install fail2ban

apt install rsync

# set a password so can log in to virtual KVM switch console at host if ever need to

Web server stuff

# for websites 
apt install apache2
apt install certbot
apt install python3-certbot-apache

# for wordpress
apt install mysql-server
mysql_secure_installation # note: [[id:beeb75e4-6038-4816-9870-ad2f98982e93][Setting up MySQL]] 
apt install php php-zip php-mysql php-gd php-xml php-xmlrpc

Site configuration

Then configure the sites themselves in Apache.

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