πŸ“š node [[there is a latent fascist waiting to emerge in all humans]]

There is a latent fascist waiting to emerge in all humans

A claim from [[George Orwell]] (according to this article: Trump has birthed a dangerous new β€˜Lost Cause’ myth. We must fight it | David…)





If this were true, then it needs to come with a 'so'.

I guess one (one that I don't like) is [[Hobbesianism]].

Epistemic status

Type : [[claim]]

Agreement level : [[Ask again later]]

I can imagine it, but it feels kind of bleak. I suppose it probably comes with a corollary, like 'unless we do X' in which case it's useful.

Also it's more of a belief than a claim I suppose (what's the exact difference?) as it's not something you could prove.

πŸ“– stoas
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