📚 node [[the me stack]]

I do thing's different, I pride myself with that. This is my "stack", the services I use daily. I pay for almost each one (where of course it's applicable), and that's ok because I pay a fair price for the service offered. There is nothing special about these services, they are so forgettable I wrote them here to remind myself, and contrary, their forgetfulness is what makes them beautiful.

There are no flashy UI's, no, these are often two tone. Little money was invested in UX, so expect wierd deep menus and beautiful control. These sites are one person shows, often, so support is handled impressively fast and passionately by Steve, the founder, lead developer, and agent. Steve has no corporate interest, really, all he hopes is to make a few bucks back and keep the service running, and because of that minimalism Steve can afford to ask peanuts, say 3$ a month.

Of course, not all services are this, primarily limited by cost of entry, but they get as close as possible.

I will run a service like this, someday.

Web Stack


We are off to a bad start, but cloudflare's generosity is astounding. I register my domains through them because only cloudflare offers registration with zero markup.

I am aware of https://gandi.net as an alternative, but they strike me as little improvement, for a steep markup. Of course, price is not a huge factor, but their site tells a different story then their goals. They claim to support net neutrality, but fail to understand funny g

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