📚 node [[john david garcia]]

Ethics = Creating

...Creative Transformations [http://see.org/garcia/e-ct-dex.htm Website]

I have made a PDF of "Civilization and Ethics--Chapter 4" so I can read and annotate it. It may inform work with Mick Ashby and Kerry Turner.

I think we can create a mash up of Morin, M. Ashby, JDG and Aikido to come up with pretty usable and powerful integration of ethics into cybernetics, at least at the neighborhood level.


Creative Transformation is really two books. The first is a summary of common knowledge and my unconventional, speculative interpretation of this knowledge. I call this "The Evolutionary Perspective." This summary of physical, biological, and psychosocial evolution represents my thinking and my interactions with my students, from whom I learned much, from 1970 through 1983. It is required to understand the more radical, second part of Creative Transformation.

In the second part, "The Quantum Perspective," I develop a new theory linking biological evolution, personal creativity, and quantum mechanics. I have called this theory "Creative Transformation." It represents new ideas developed since 1983. The main focus of the second part is to provide a practical, easy-to-follow guide, for anyone who wishes it, to maximize his or her personal creativity and that of others through Creative Transformation.

Ethical Principles -

Logically derived principles that follow directly from the evolutionary ethic. ("We must do our best to maximize creativity.") The evolutionary ethic cannot be in logical error since it is an ultimate goal, not a means to any end. The derived ethical principles may be in logical error; we should follow them only if they lead to no ethical contradictions according to the dictates of our conscience and objective evidence. These principles lead to other intuitively proper maxims of conduct such as the Ten Commandments and other biblical imperatives, Buddha's Eight-Fold Way, the Sermon on the Mount, and the American Bill of Rights.

The eight ethical principles follow:

1 Only actions or persons which increase creativity are ethical.

2 Any action or person which decreases anyone's creativity is unethical.

3 Unethical means can never achieve ethical **ends. **

4 Means which are not ends are never ethical.

5 It is unethical to tolerate destructiveness.

6 It is unethical to be certain.

7 It is ethical to doubt.

8 Inaction is unethical.

Ethics is creativity (love) as doubt-curiosity-action. Immorality is certainty, destructiveness, inaction.

These relationships are one way of expressing BGTE. Beauty-Curiosity-Love (how deep and how far?) Good-Ethics (How deep and how far?) Science-Doubt (How deep and how far?) Economy-Creative Action (How deep and how far?)

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