📚 node [[agora cli]]

Agora Cli

  • The [[agora]] [[command line interface]].
  • Currently very simple :) Example commands follow.
    • foo
      • goes to node [[foo]]. Note that this is equivalent to search (in the [[agora]], non-existent nodes are search nodes).
    • go foo
      • activates [[go link]] in [[foo]], that is, redirects to the target URL if the go link exists.
  • [[pull]] [[cli]]
⥅ node [[cli]] pulled by user

Various Command Line Interface tips and tricks

Some of the things at [[Ubuntu]] are Ubuntu Linux specific, some of them will work on other systems, including in the MacOS Terminal.


lsof -i :8080

Will list what's running on port 8080.

Looking up the process ID (PID) means you can get more info, or kill [PID] to shut it down.

See also: Daniel Miessler's An lsof Primer (2019)

📖 stoas
⥱ context
⥅ related node [[agora client]]
⥅ related node [[agora clients]]