📚 node [[2021 08 13]]


16:08 'have you published a response to this? let me know the url:

similar to webmentions but more manual! great idea.

some things to buy?

potential quality of life improvement:

  • drying rack
  • pegboard (ikea - do they ship to boston easily?)
  • projector for room! (see what size i need first)
  • cerave healing ointment
  • le labo detergent with the perfume!

some cool website design

  • https://www.dillinger.tv/ love the animated fonts on this site; cursor similar to mine love that the cursor turns into a back button when moving off of certain content! good idea, but may not be worth taking the performance hit of the pointer lagging behind the mouse by a frame or few
  • https://grids.obys.agency/ incredible layout and animation - the whole series! these designs are incredible; love how they showcase all of their work. the scrolling animation is incredible, as is the switch from horizontal to vertical scrolling an back again. definitely will try to break this down for myself.

the whole agency's website is A1!!! https://obys.agency/ and all of the animations when panning between pages! sublime. definitely look to them for future inspiration.

marquee text that interacts with user scroll - horizontally or vertically - is an excellent idea. look to use it!

  • 'for directory press 0' - then you can puhcn in or click another number - like a keypad - to navigate the website! incredible!!!

  • webby awards SOUND DESIGN A1!!

  • https://www.onlyorca.com/ the animations around the graphic u see when u open the website are nuts!!!

  • https://wanda.net/ excellent site for showcasing videos. love how it feels freeform to explore and navigate the site, but that as you mouse over more and more, you continue to navigate down the page

  • https://www.pluto.app/ fitting with their name, all of the spatial ui ideas here are nuts!

  • https://jacobleech.com/ gold standard for personal websites. love all of this work! love how it showcases expertise, acts as abloig, demonstrates information - all of it.

📖 stoas
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⥅ related node [[2021 08 28_19 35 12_137071_1]]