πŸ“š node [[2021 03 23]]


[2021-03-23 Tue 10:09]

Trying out [[org-pomodoro]]. Not that keen so far to be honest… it's often hidden for me in the modeline, and its 'bell' sound is annoying, and at a too loud volume compared to other things that are using sound. Will probably stick with the gnome panel pomodoro app.

On GitHub, [[MIT License]]:

A tool for exporting Telegram group chats into static websites, preserving chat history like mailing list archives.

Run Python locally, syncs to [[SQLite]] local DB and then lets you generate a static site. Uses Telethon library.

Single file Jinja HTML template for generating the static site. RSS feed created.

Computers and Creativity, Molly Mielke:

"Computers and Creativity" asks: How can we utilize the full potential of creative thought and computational actualization to enable human innovation?

In fewer words: How can we make computers better bicycles of the creative mind? β€” [@mollyfmielke](https://twitter.com/mollyfmielke/status/1374387504174927878 ?s=20)

via [@Dylan_Steck](https://twitter.com/Dylan_Steck/status/1374410798139805705 ?s=20)

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