📚 node [[2020 04 05]]

April 5th, 2020

  • Hoy hablé con mi Hermano.
  • Sacar la basura


[[Blogchains and hyperconversations]]

On [[writing a book]]

Nadia Eghbal, someone who obviously loves writing, writes about writing a book. It sounds less… enjoyable than you might think.

What I hated most about this past year was feeling unable to seriously think about anything besides this one thing. Everything I read or talked about was in service to the thing. There was nothing but the thing.

Afterwards, I expected to feel a satisfying sense of completion, but mostly I just felt relieved. I didn't think of it as having finished a manuscript so much as having expelled a virus from my body.


Some nice quotes on what the [[IndieWeb]] is about, from Desmond's article Your Website Is Your Castle.

At the heart of the IndieWeb is an attempt to unify the ideas behind personal websites, blogs and social networks, but in a manner consistent with how the world wide web operates.

Your website acts much like your wall on Facebook or your timeline on Twitter - it's your personal soapbox, your castle on the web.

[…]one recreates, in a decentralized manner, the kinds of online interactions one has come to expect from private social networks.

IndieWeb authorship

I fixed a small issue in my theme that I'd noticed, where other people's sites weren't picking up my author details. The problem? My author info wasn't included in the entries. I had a site-wide h-card but I hadn't got it in the entries themselves.

The process for figuring out who has written a post is referred to as authorship, and the IndieWeb wiki page on it is very helpful. Also thanks to Sven for the help.

Read: Your Website Is Your Passport - Desmond Rivet

Your Website Is Your Passport - Desmond Rivet

I found this a very helpful discussion of [[IndieAuth]] from Desmond, touching on web sign-in, RelMeAuth, OAuth and OIDC along the way. It's one of those things that I know exists, and just works for me (e.g. everytime I use a Micropub client), but it's nice to get a bit of a handle on how it works.

In a nutshell the purpose is this:

your domain should function as a kind of universal online passport, allowing you to sign in to various services and applications simply by entering your personal URL

Desmond does a great job of explaining the nitty-gritty of how it works, too. The two bits I bolded below jumped out at me - a decentralised authentication mechanism leveraging DNS as a user registration system. It's very elegant.

The process of using your domain to log in to sites and services is called web sign-in and is implemented via a protocol called IndieAuth, an extension of OAuth used for decentralized authentication.

It's entire reason for being is to answer the simple question: does the person behind the browser have control over the URL that they are claiming as their own?

If your goal is to make a social network out of the world wide web, there is a certain elegance to the idea of leveraging DNS as a user registration system.

  • **Introducción a la Cuestión Ambiental **
    • [[Introducción a la Cuestión Ambiental]]
    • Profesores:
      • Titular: Mag. Maria Belén Aliciardi
      • Invitados:
        • Ing. Pablo Lucangelli Obes
        • Abog. Giovanni Perez Macias
        • Mag. JUan Pablo Neve
        • Dra. Susy Bello Knoll
  • Unidad 1: Generalidades de la cuestión ambiental
  • Unidad 2: Desarrollo Sostenible global
    • ¿Desarrollo sostenible o sustentable?  Desarrollo y Crecimiento.
    • Desarrollo Sostenible. Concepto. Evolución Histórica. Informe Bruntland. Declaración de Rio.  Objetivos del Milenio (ODM). Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable (ODS). Laudato SI. Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente.
  • Unidad 3: Desarrollo Sostenible Local.
    • Estado del Ambiente en Argentina. Principales problemas ambientales locales.  Día Nacional de la Conciencia Ambiental. Agenda nacional de ODS.
  • Unidad 4: Bioética Ambiental
    • Naturaleza, tecnología y sociedad. Ambiente y Salud. Cultura, Sociedad y Eco política. Pobreza y Ambiente. Genero y Ambiente. Religión y Ambiente.
  • 5.1. General Obligatoria
    • Aliciardi, M. B. (2009). ¿Existe una eco-bioética o Bioética ambiental?. Colombia, Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética Volumen 9, Numero 16: Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Colombia.
    • Bravo Víctor (2015). Introducción a los Impactos Ambientales sobre los recursos naturales. Fundación Bariloche. CONICET.
    • Diamond, J. (2005). Colapso: por qué unas sociedades perduran y otras desaparecen. Sevilla, España: Editorial Debate.
    • Kalinec, C. (2016). La conciencia olvidada. Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Nación.
    • Informe del estado del ambiente 2018. SAYDS.
    • ONU (2012). Rio 20.
    • ONU. (1992). Declaración de Rio sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo
    • LA POLÍTICA CLIMÁTICA EN AMÉRICA LATINA. Línea de Tiempo Ambiental (2015). Conexión COP. Fundación Konrad Adenauer (KAS).
  • 5.2. Complementaria
    • Aliciardi, M. B. (2008). “Bioética Ambiental”. En D. Barrionuevo (ed). Bioética y Derecho. Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial Advocatus.
    • Aliciardi, M. B. (2014). La tradición ambiental de Argentina. CABA, Argentina: INFOBAE, Sección Opinión, 7 de abril.
    • Aliciardi, M. B. (2014). Gobernanza Ambiental Internacional. Revista de DerechoAmbiental, Abelero Perrot.
    • Aliciardi, M. B. (2014) “Incorporación de la variable ambiental a la Política” Revista de Estudios Económicos. Instituto de Estudios de las Finanzas Públicas Argentinas (IEFPA)
    • Brailovsky, Antonio Elio, Foguelman, Dina. (2004). Memoria Verde. Historia Ecológica De La Argentina. Editorial: DEBOLSILLO.
    • Brundtland, Gro Harlem (ed.) (1987), Nuestro futuro común, Comisión Mundial sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
    • Carson Rachel. (2005). Primavera silenciosa'. Ed. Crítica.
    • Falcón, Enrique M. (2016).El problema ambiental en la sociedad, la salud y la economía. Once academias ante la amenaza del calentamiento global para el planeta y las especies que lo habitan.1a ed compendiada. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Morales y Políticas
    • Gore Al. (2007). 'Una verdad incómoda. La crisis planetaria del calentamiento global y cómo afrontarla'. Ed. Gedisa,
    • Papa Francisco. (2015). Carta encíclica Laudato Si, Librería Editrice Vaticana. Roma.
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