📚 node [[oss]]
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⥅ related node [[2003 02 27 loosely joining across borders]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 02 is a collaborative cross platform rich text editor too much to ask]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 26 mossberg iphone review no sim card cdma only]]
⥅ related node [[2008 05 26 testing ad bard a foss friendly ad network]]
⥅ related node [[2017 02 13 akasha cross post planting tag flag vancouver bowen canada]]
⥅ related node [[as fast as possible]]
⥅ related node [[all possible wikilinks]]
⥅ related node [[another social network is possible]]
⥅ related node [[crossposter]]
⥅ related node [[fossil]]
⥅ related node [[genossenschaft]]
⥅ related node [[hugo boss]]
⥅ related node [[karlicoss flancian]]
⥅ related node [[karlicoss]]
⥅ related node [[losses]]
⥅ related node [[patterning glossary]]
⥅ related node [[please don t use discord for foss projects]]
⥅ related node [[please dont use discord for foss projects]]
⥅ related node [[ross perot]]
⥅ related node [[shared notes across six tools]]
⥅ related node [[social learning across content]]
⥅ related node [[some possible paths to flancia]]
⥅ related node [[the set of all possible things]]
⥅ related node [[wohngenossenschaft]]
⥅ related node [[wohngenossenschaften]]
⥅ related node [[2021 08 01 pith crossed creek]]
⥅ related node [[podcast interview with stephen kosslyn about minerva]]
⥅ related node [[joss]]
⥅ related node [[ai glossary]]
⥅ related node [[crash_blossom]]
⥅ related node [[cross entropy]]
⥅ related node [[cross validation]]
⥅ related node [[feature_cross]]
⥅ related node [[hinge_loss]]
⥅ related node [[l1_loss]]
⥅ related node [[l2_loss]]
⥅ related node [[log_loss]]
⥅ related node [[loss]]
⥅ related node [[loss_curve]]
⥅ related node [[loss_surface]]
⥅ related node [[minimax_loss]]
⥅ related node [[squared_hinge_loss]]
⥅ related node [[squared_loss]]
⥅ related node [[wasserstein_loss]]
⥅ related node [[economic_glossary]]
⥅ related node [[posse]]
⥅ related node [[cross posting to git]]
⥅ related node [[a chat with henry zhu on oss gift economies]]
⥅ related node [[amazon workers tell bosses to scrap constant surveillance micromanagement and unfair targets like time off task]]
⥅ related node [[another world is possible]]
⥅ related node [[apple expands the use of recycled materials across its products]]
⥅ related node [[biodiversity loss]]
⥅ related node [[carne ross]]
⥅ related node [[caroline shenaz hossein on black banker ladies and the social economy]]
⥅ related node [[caroline shenaz hossein]]
⥅ related node [[cross bay walk]]
⥅ related node [[cross disciplinary learning]]
⥅ related node [[foss and crafts]]
⥅ related node [[foss]]
⥅ related node [[fossil capital]]
⥅ related node [[gossip protocol]]
⥅ related node [[gross domestic product]]
⥅ related node [[gross national happiness]]
⥅ related node [[habitat loss]]
⥅ related node [[history shows radical futures are possible w lizzie oshea]]
⥅ related node [[households across the uk will see rising prices and stalling wages in 2022]]
⥅ related node [[it is possible to create cutting edge systems using technologies that are not state of the art]]
⥅ related node [[kristin ross]]
⥅ related node [[leighton moss]]
⥅ related node [[loss and damage]]
⥅ related node [[loss of biodiversity]]
⥅ related node [[march to end fossil fuels]]
⥅ related node [[municipal foss]]
⥅ related node [[no amount of tree planting will be enough to cancel out the effects of continued fossil fuel emissions]]
⥅ related node [[notes are conversations across time]]
⥅ related node [[posse vs pesos]]
⥅ related node [[ross ashby]]
⥅ related node [[steel boss dismisses claim that sector needs new cumbria coalmine]]
⥅ related node [[steel boss dismisses claim that sector needs new cumbrian coalmine]]
⥅ related node [[the dispossessed]]
⥅ related node [[the fossil politics of texas]]
⥅ related node [[the potential of crossposting]]
⥅ related node [[were mowed over colossal data centers are taking over the us countryside]]
⥅ related node [[what is possible in the information age is in direct conflict with what is permissible]]
⥅ related node [[wind farms appeal to voters across the parties]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon twitter crossposter]]
⥅ related node [[cross site scripting]]
⥅ related node [[crossref]]
⥅ related node [[pangloss]]
📖 stoas
⥱ context