live-coding-on-airdrag |
garden/ankostis/JRC/ |
@ankostis |
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now |
garden/bbchase/book notes/Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right |
@bbchase |
The Design of Everyday Things |
garden/bbchase/book notes/The Design of Everyday |
@bbchase |
The Social Dilemma |
garden/bbchase/The Social |
@bbchase |
Coaching |
garden/binnyva/ |
@binnyva |
humane-representation-of-thought-bret-victor |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
2009-03-11-om-thinks-the-mac-tablet-is-imminent |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/ |
@bmann |
test |
garden/communecter/03 - Contribuer/ |
@communecter |
graph |
garden/communecter/04 - Documentation technique/ |
@communecter |
guide CMS |
garden/communecter/07 - CMS/guide |
@communecter |
test |
garden/communecter/en/03 - Contribuer/ |
@communecter |
graph |
garden/communecter/en/04 - Documentation technique/ |
@communecter |
A-qualified-defense-of-slacktivism |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Against-UI-standardization |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Alternate-Computer-Universes--Jef-Raskin-s-Macintosh |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
An-Engineer-s-Guide-to-the-Docuverse |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Freeing-software |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-ve-always-been-suspicious-of-how-much-companies-that-brand-themselves-as--tech-companies--are |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Kaukatcr--an-experiment-in-language-design-for-multi-dimensional-spaces |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Mycroft---A-Predicate-Logic-Language---Overview---Post-mortem |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
News-and-Lies-2 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Peter-Watts-and-p-zombies |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-problem-with-Electron |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-s-another-reason-why-bad-films-are-particularly-beloved-by-cinephiles--they-illustrate--by |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
XANA---iX--A-history---post-mortem-of-two-small-operating-system-projects |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
manipulation of democracy |
garden/flancian/manipulation of |
@flancian |
nick bostrom |
garden/flancian/nick |
@flancian |
twitter developer agreement |
garden/flancian/twitter developer |
@flancian |
2021-02-19-mongooses-and-snakes |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
2021-03-06-neets-are-our-fremen |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
2021_09_21 |
garden/forshaper/notes/journals/ |
@forshaper |
Search and Seizure |
garden/forshaper/notes/pages/Search and |
@forshaper |
Attention-Is-Cognitive-Unison |
garden/houshuang/content/ |
@houshuang |
2020-11-16 |
garden/jakeisnt/journals/ |
@jakeisnt |
academia |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
clojure |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
racket |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
react |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
smt |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
text-editors |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
wm |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
orgmode |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
elisp-sucks |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
elisp |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
tostudy |
garden/karlicoss/study/ |
@karlicoss |
Convolutional_Filter |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Definitions/ |
@KGBicheno |
2022-03-07 |
garden/maya/ |
@maya |
favicon |
garden/melanocarpa/favicon.myco |
@melanocarpa |
a-socialist-agenda-for-digital-technology |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
data-commons |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
do-you-like-likes |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
for-big-tech-user-benefits-are-secondary-to-business-model |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
frantz-fanon-against-facebook-how-to-decolonize-your-digital-mind |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
anarchist-cybernetics-raw-highlights |
garden/neil/raw-highlights/ |
@neil |
social-taylorism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
technology |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
transition-together-summit |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
undoing-optimization-civic-action-in-smart-cities |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
Instead of your Life's Purpose |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Instead of your Life's |
@protopian |
The Power of the Powerless |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Power of the |
@protopian |
Games |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Books/ |
@protopian |
Eric's Render Notes in MX |
garden/rel8/Eric's Render Notes in |
@rel8 |
20200611201816-capital |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20211012135649-battle_cry_of_freedom |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
battle-cry-of-freedom-highlights |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
capital-vol-1 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
2021-03-06 |
garden/s5bug/journal/ |
@s5bug |
Muse |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/ |
@scalingsynthesis |
20230628191203-logistic |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628191349-mesh |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628195510-clip |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628195927-domain |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628200712-nerf |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628203055-stable_diffusion |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628204434-diffusion_video |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628213013-diffusion_train |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230803030116-software |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
in-our-head |
garden/yiction/ |
@yiction |