2024-06-05 |
garden/ajhalili2006/src/garden/daily-notes/posts/2024-06-05.md |
@ajhalili2006 |
simulation-modeling-sota |
garden/ankostis/simulation-modeling-sota.md |
@ankostis |
bbchase |
garden/bbchase/bbchase.md |
@bbchase |
Getting Things Done |
garden/bbchase/book notes/Getting Things Done.md |
@bbchase |
Time and How to Spend It 2 |
garden/bbchase/book notes/Time and How to Spend It 2.md |
@bbchase |
DEVONThink |
garden/bbchase/DEVONThink.md |
@bbchase |
garden/bbchase/networking/OSPF.md |
@bbchase |
Dopamine's Function: Creating the Want |
garden/binnyva/Dopamine's Function: Creating the Want.md |
@binnyva |
2002-12-03-50-places-to-see-before-you-die |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2002-12-03-50-places-to-see-before-you-die.md |
@bmann |
2003-10-15-salmon-of-doubt-review-plus-more-on-douglas-adams |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2003-10-15-salmon-of-doubt-review-plus-more-on-douglas-adams.md |
@bmann |
2004-02-22-kids-and-social-software |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2004-02-22-kids-and-social-software.md |
@bmann |
2004-02-24-boris-big-book-list-oh-boy |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2004-02-24-boris-big-book-list-oh-boy.md |
@bmann |
2004-04-26-microsoft-expression-for-mac |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2004-04-26-microsoft-expression-for-mac.md |
@bmann |
2005-07-08-citizen-journalism-and-the-london-bombings-interview-alert |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2005-07-08-citizen-journalism-and-the-london-bombings-interview-alert.md |
@bmann |
2009-03-08-dc-drupalcon-2009 |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2009-03-08-dc-drupalcon-2009.md |
@bmann |
2010-07-17-contributing-to-drupal-radar |
garden/bmann/_posts/archive/2010-07-17-contributing-to-drupal-radar.md |
@bmann |
2018-07-02-conferences-as-community-gathering |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/2018-07-02-conferences-as-community-gathering.md |
@bmann |
videos |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/videos.md |
@communecter |
commune |
garden/communecter/02 - USAGES/commune.md |
@communecter |
videos |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/videos.md |
@communecter |
commune |
garden/communecter/en/02 - Utiliser l'outil/commune.md |
@communecter |
Against-UI-standardization |
garden/enki/Against-UI-standardization.md |
@enki |
Computing-and-craft-among-the-end-users |
garden/enki/Computing-and-craft-among-the-end-users.md |
@enki |
News-and-Lies-1--In-Defense-of--some--Propaganda |
garden/enki/News-and-Lies-1--In-Defense-of--some--Propaganda.md |
@enki |
News-and-Lies-1 |
garden/enki/News-and-Lies-1.md |
@enki |
Stories-I-won-t-write--but-you-can |
garden/enki/Stories-I-won-t-write--but-you-can.md |
@enki |
The-thing-about-cultural-niches-is-that-they-are-created-by-and-for--mass-media--as-a-novelty |
garden/enki/The-thing-about-cultural-niches-is-that-they-are-created-by-and-for--mass-media--as-a-novelty.md |
@enki |
Why-you-should-care-about-generative-text |
garden/enki/Why-you-should-care-about-generative-text.md |
@enki |
Clone a Linux system install to another computer |
garden/evan/Clone a Linux system install to another computer.md |
@evan |
2020-11-29 |
garden/flancian/2020-11-29.md |
@flancian |
2021-06-01 |
garden/flancian/2021-06-01.md |
@flancian |
ben chase |
garden/flancian/ben chase.md |
@flancian |
chandigarth |
garden/flancian/chandigarth.md |
@flancian |
slaps |
garden/flancian/slaps.md |
@flancian |
tabs |
garden/flancian/tabs.md |
@flancian |
How-I-learned-1500-Chinese-Characters-in-a-Month---Heisig-Method-Review |
garden/houshuang/content/How-I-learned-1500-Chinese-Characters-in-a-Month---Heisig-Method-Review.md |
@houshuang |
books |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/books.org |
@jakeisnt |
programming-languages |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/programming-languages.org |
@jakeisnt |
reasons-not-to-use |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/reasons-not-to-use.org |
@jakeisnt |
cooking |
garden/karlicoss/food/cooking.md |
@karlicoss |
exercise |
garden/karlicoss/health/exercise.md |
@karlicoss |
exports |
garden/karlicoss/infra/exports.md |
@karlicoss |
eeg |
garden/karlicoss/misc/eeg.md |
@karlicoss |
music |
garden/karlicoss/music/music.md |
@karlicoss |
pkm |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/pkm.md |
@karlicoss |
python |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/python.md |
@karlicoss |
dron |
garden/karlicoss/projects/dron.md |
@karlicoss |
exobrain |
garden/karlicoss/projects/exobrain.md |
@karlicoss |
hpi |
garden/karlicoss/projects/hpi.md |
@karlicoss |
promnesia |
garden/karlicoss/projects/promnesia.md |
@karlicoss |
timeline |
garden/karlicoss/projects/timeline.md |
@karlicoss |
qs-misc |
garden/karlicoss/quantifiedself/qs-misc.md |
@karlicoss |
emacs |
garden/karlicoss/soft/emacs.md |
@karlicoss |
tostudy |
garden/karlicoss/study/tostudy.md |
@karlicoss |
Image processing with OpenCV (Code) |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Vision/Week3/Image processing with OpenCV (Code).md |
@KGBicheno |
Current uses of Natural Language Generated content |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Current uses of Natural Language Generated content.md |
@KGBicheno |
la ciudad ausente |
garden/luciana/la ciudad ausente.md |
@luciana |
bio-cement and bio-concrete |
garden/maya/bio-cement and bio-concrete.md |
@maya |
solarpunk |
garden/melanocarpa/solarpunk.myco |
@melanocarpa |
amazon-doesnt-care-how-you-heat-swimming-pools-ict-and-ecosocialism |
garden/neil/amazon-doesnt-care-how-you-heat-swimming-pools-ict-and-ecosocialism.md |
@neil |
cauliflower-macaroni-cheese |
garden/neil/cauliflower-macaroni-cheese.md |
@neil |
changes-to-councils-in-cumbria |
garden/neil/changes-to-councils-in-cumbria.md |
@neil |
connected-northern-regions |
garden/neil/connected-northern-regions.md |
@neil |
cottingham-europes-biggest-battery-storage-system-switched-on |
garden/neil/cottingham-europes-biggest-battery-storage-system-switched-on.md |
@neil |
cumbria-councils-to-be-replaced-by-two-authorities |
garden/neil/cumbria-councils-to-be-replaced-by-two-authorities.md |
@neil |
cumbria-county-council-launches-legal-action-over-shake-up |
garden/neil/cumbria-county-council-launches-legal-action-over-shake-up.md |
@neil |
dare-to-repair-how-we-broke-the-future |
garden/neil/dare-to-repair-how-we-broke-the-future.md |
@neil |
digital-archaeology |
garden/neil/digital-archaeology.md |
@neil |
energy-storage |
garden/neil/energy-storage.md |
@neil |
english-councils-are-battling-financial-ruin |
garden/neil/english-councils-are-battling-financial-ruin.md |
@neil |
flat-pay-structure |
garden/neil/flat-pay-structure.md |
@neil |
in-our-time-the-enclosures-of-the-18th-century |
garden/neil/in-our-time-the-enclosures-of-the-18th-century.md |
@neil |
invasion-of-ukraine |
garden/neil/invasion-of-ukraine.md |
@neil |
2022-06-26 |
garden/neil/journal/2022-06-26.md |
@neil |
municipal-socialism |
garden/neil/municipal-socialism.md |
@neil |
music-listening-strategy |
garden/neil/music-listening-strategy.md |
@neil |
patrice-lumumba |
garden/neil/patrice-lumumba.md |
@neil |
peanut-butter-cookies |
garden/neil/peanut-butter-cookies.md |
@neil |
samsung-galaxy-s5 |
garden/neil/samsung-galaxy-s5.md |
@neil |
sand-battery |
garden/neil/sand-battery.md |
@neil |
social-distancing |
garden/neil/social-distancing.md |
@neil |
the-engineers-plot |
garden/neil/the-engineers-plot.md |
@neil |
the-people-vs-climate-change |
garden/neil/the-people-vs-climate-change.md |
@neil |
to-file |
garden/neil/to-file.md |
@neil |
ulverston-repair-cafe-february-2024 |
garden/neil/ulverston-repair-cafe-february-2024.md |
@neil |
weeknotes-w26-2022 |
garden/neil/weeknotes-w26-2022.md |
@neil |
#12 The Prodigal Son |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/#12 The Prodigal Son.md |
@protopian |
3 - seeking intensity |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/3 - seeking intensity.md |
@protopian |
A Brief Practical Guide to Being an Infinite Player |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/A Brief Practical Guide to Being an Infinite Player.md |
@protopian |
A Cyclic Theory Of Subcultures |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/A Cyclic Theory Of Subcultures.md |
@protopian |
About the Actual Writing Part |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/About the Actual Writing Part.md |
@protopian |
Age of Invention The Paradox of Progress |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Age of Invention The Paradox of Progress.md |
@protopian |
Amateur Environments |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Amateur Environments.md |
@protopian |
American Gentry |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/American Gentry.md |
@protopian |
Another Path to Intelligence |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Another Path to Intelligence.md |
@protopian |
Commenting vs. making |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Commenting vs. making.md |
@protopian |
Composability with other tools |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Composability with other tools.md |
@protopian |
Decadence and Andreessen's Dilemma |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Decadence and Andreessen's Dilemma.md |
@protopian |
Exit the supersensorium |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Exit the supersensorium.md |
@protopian |
Facebook is Other People |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Facebook is Other People.md |
@protopian |
Free Knowledge and Innovation |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Free Knowledge and Innovation.md |
@protopian |
From Burnout to Radicalization |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/From Burnout to Radicalization.md |
@protopian |
Good People and Wicked Problems |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Good People and Wicked Problems.md |
@protopian |
How I Attained Persistent Self-Love, or, I Demand Deep Okayness For Everyone |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/How I Attained Persistent Self-Love, or, I Demand Deep Okayness For Everyone.md |
@protopian |
How I read |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/How I read.md |
@protopian |
How I Wish Trauma Had Been Explained to Me |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/How I Wish Trauma Had Been Explained to Me.md |
@protopian |
I can only promise you that it's going to get weirder |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/I can only promise you that it's going to get weirder.md |
@protopian |
If You Have Writer's Block, Maybe You Should Stop Lying |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/If You Have Writer's Block, Maybe You Should Stop Lying.md |
@protopian |
Notes From the Metaverse |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Notes From the Metaverse.md |
@protopian |
Prioritize strengths |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Prioritize strengths.md |
@protopian |
run your own race |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/run your own race.md |
@protopian |
Sc3nius |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Sc3nius.md |
@protopian |
Social class in America |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Social class in America.md |
@protopian |
That which is unique, breaks |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/That which is unique, breaks.md |
@protopian |
The end of the system of the world |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The end of the system of the world.md |
@protopian |
The Great Online Game |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Great Online Game.md |
@protopian |
The Look of Gentrification |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Look of Gentrification.md |
@protopian |
The Most Precious Resource is Agency |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Most Precious Resource is Agency.md |
@protopian |
The Phrase No Evidence Is A Red Flag For Bad Science Communication |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Phrase No Evidence Is A Red Flag For Bad Science Communication.md |
@protopian |
The rise and fall of peer review |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The rise and fall of peer review.md |
@protopian |
Too Good To Check A Play In Three Acts |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Too Good To Check A Play In Three Acts.md |
@protopian |
We Need a Better Homeownership Society |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/We Need a Better Homeownership Society.md |
@protopian |
Why is Everything Liberal |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Why is Everything Liberal.md |
@protopian |
Tweets From AP |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From AP.md |
@protopian |
Tweets From Devon ☀️ |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Devon ☀️.md |
@protopian |
Drawing 2023-03-08 15.45.14.excalidraw |
garden/rel8/Excalidraw/Drawing 2023-03-08 15.45.14.excalidraw.md |
@rel8 |
20210130191025-not_one_man_not_one_penny_german_social_democracy_1863_1914 |
garden/ryan/literature/20210130191025-not_one_man_not_one_penny_german_social_democracy_1863_1914.md |
@ryan |
R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving.md |
@scalingsynthesis |
20230628203055-stable_diffusion |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/20230628203055-stable_diffusion.org |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628203916-diffusion_alternative |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/20230628203916-diffusion_alternative.org |
@tekakutli-org |
2021-10-23 |
garden/vera.wiki.anagora.org/2021-10-23.md |
@vera.wiki.anagora.org |
estate-taxes-and-jesus-christ |
garden/yiction/estate-taxes-and-jesus-christ.md |
@yiction |
the-zoom-space |
garden/yiction/the-zoom-space.md |
@yiction |
1888betscom |
stoa/doc.anagora.org/1888betscom.md |
@anonymous@doc.anagora.org |
fellowship-of-the-link |
stoa/doc.anagora.org/fellowship-of-the-link.md |
@anonymous@doc.anagora.org |
water butt |
stream/agora@botsin.space/water butt.md |
@agora@botsin.space |