📕 subnode [[@neil/the political economy of solarpunk with andrew dana hudson]]
in 📚 node [[the-political-economy-of-solarpunk-with-andrew-dana-hudson]]
The Political Economy of Solarpunk (with Andrew Dana Hudson)
A : [[podcast]]
URL : https://thefirethisti.me/2021/11/17/94-the-political-economy-of-solarpunk-with-andrew-dana-hudson/
Part of : [[The Fire These Times]]
Featuring : [[Andrew Dana Hudson]] / [[Joey Ayoub]]
The [[Political economy]] of [[Solarpunk]].
- [[Cyberpunk was about technologies that abstract human relationships with the world]]
- [[Solarpunk is about technologies that de-abstract human relationships with the material world]]
- [[Cyberpunk's anxieties are urban decay, corporate power and globalisation]]
- [[Solarpunk's anxieties are global social injustice, the failures of late capitalism, and the climate crisis]]
📖 stoas
⥱ context
To see links, go up to full node [[the-political-economy-of-solarpunk-with-andrew-dana-hudson]].