- I'm really happy that [[obsidian]] works offline. I'm writing this from my phone at the park with no data or wifi but I know it will be synced when I reconnect. # what do we want from the [[agora]] interlay? - discover where people are at. who are [[obsidian]] users. where do they hang out what do they write. - are we trying to curate a theme. - [[dns search domain]] - [[tailscale]] - [[portland apparel lab]] - Human structures all have leaders, whether implicit or explicit, and the explicit ones tend to be more diverse. - you have to work with new material to really learn it. It doesn’t suffice to bookmark websites or just read and annotate books. # daily - [[interpretations of quantum mechanics]] - testing [[obsidian transclusion]] ^2021-06-01 - [[logseq]] - [[rambly]] - [[dweb talk 2021-06-02]] ^2021-06-02