Working today on [[integration of the agora]] with external sources starting with [[twitter]] and [[fediverse]] I'm thinking of having anyone with a [[twitter]]/[[masto]] account "claim" their id on [[agora]] which is just going to be their id on the external site e.g. >“We should be able to say, “This is my truth,” and have that truth stand without a hundred clamoring voices shouting, giving the impression that multiple truths cannot coexist.” ― Roxane Gay, [Bad Feminist: Essays]( >“Feminists are just women who don’t want to be treated like shit” [[agora as documentation]] Started development on [[moa party]] for [[agora server]] integration. I'm going to take data from [[mastodon]]/[[twitter]] and shovel it over to a git repo via a git web interface probably using gitlab at first since that's our stoa org.