# 2021-08-27 *note: this was written on the 28th* hey there. figured i'd write something up again. i got my 2nd pfizer vaccination today! woke up with a sore arm, but nothing that serious so far (just like the first one). after that me and my mom went grocery shopping, stocked up on some food. overall, fun day. was nice to get outside after not even going outside once in a few weeks, lol also, as a note to the [[osu]] tournament referenced in [[2021-07-30]], i got disqualified pretty early. i HEAVILY underestimated the difficulty of the maps i had to play, so i suffered, hard. guess i won't make that mistake (signing up for a wide rank range tourney) again... � [//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility" [osu]: osu.md "osu" [2021-07-30]: 2021-07-30.md "2021-07-30" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"