#+title: Deleuze After Guattari | Why Theory - source :: [[https://soundcloud.com/whytheory/deleuze-after-guattari][Deleuze after Guattari by Why Theory | Free Listening on SoundCloud]] * Notes [[file:../20210506162841-deleuze.org][Deleuze]] wrote about [[file:../20201219150348-cinema.org][cinema]] later in his career. #+begin_quote The break in cinema is not between the silent movie and the talkie, it's between the movement-image and the time-image. --- Deleuze, as quoted by the hosts #+end_quote Throughout the history of film, early [[file:../20210421155446-film_theory.org][film theorists]] such as [[file:../20210511101412-sergei_eisenstein.org][Sergei Eisenstein]] believed that film could be used to convey ideas of the mind, etc. in a broad sense. Today, people have an idea of film that each film is supposed to say something through its narrative. [[file:../20210506162841-deleuze.org][Deleuze]] seems to believe that [[file:../20201219150348-cinema.org][cinema]] says things that [[file:../20200720200955-philosophy.org][philosophy]] hasn't caught up with, and he is attempting to thereby catch up with cinema. - movement-image :: image that depicts something that goes against our expectations. Think [[file:../20210511101702-charlie_chaplin.org][Charlie Chaplin]]. Aside: [[file:../20210511101412-sergei_eisenstein.org][Sergei Eisenstein]] made the connection between Griffiths and his racism and the form in which he made movies. Most of this episode deals with film.