#+title: Racial Capitalism and COVID-19 - tags :: [[file:../20201202215710-covid_19.org][COVID-19]] - source :: [[https://monthlyreview.org/2021/03/01/racial-capitalism-and-covid-19/][Monthly Review | Racial Capitalism and COVID-19]] * Notes - [[file:../20210403151224-racial_capitalism.org][racial capitalism]] :: the mutually constitutive entanglements of racialized and colonial exploitation within the process of capital accumulation - The author argues that [[file:../20210321201247-the_accumulation_of_capital.org][the accumulation of capital]] would not be possible with out racialized and colonial exploitation - "The black worker is the founding stone of a new economic system in the 19th century and for the modern world." (paraphrased) --- [[file:../20200709205258-w_e_b_du_bois.org][Du Bois]] - Many low-income food production jobs are done by people of color - Caribbean countries have outperformed the Untied States in terms of handling the virus - Caribbean nations are peripheral and made dependent on capitalist nations - The United States has made no effort to manage the virus in prisons, which are majority black