#+title: Fritjof Capra: The Web of Life - tags :: [[file:../20200720093911-ecology.org][ecology]] - source :: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLiRXM2oZ_U][Fritjof Capra: The Web of Life (excerpt)]] * Notes - Ecology is the study of natural relationships - Ecology forces a shift in perspective from objects to relationships and processes - [[file:../20200720152135-systems_theory.org][Systems thinkers]] realized that laws of science were not enough, but we don't need anything from the outside: we have to understand the relationships of matter - Capra says that there are two approaches to science: "What is it made of?" and "What is the pattern?" - A pattern isn't material, it's a set of relationships - Marx would probably disagree with this - Capra believes that consciousness is a property of life - An insight of [[file:../20200708122521-cybernetics.org][cybernetics]] was noticing that life is made up of networks - Systems can correct themselves through the process of [[file:../20200720152428-feedback.org][feedback]]