#+TITLE: capitalism Capitalism is a mode of production that emerged first in England sometime between the 1300s and the 1600s. Today it forms the dominant mode of production globally. Capitalism is a unique historical formation, having never appeared anywhere in human society before the modern era. * What makes capitalism unique? Capitalism is characterized by two unique features: [[file:20210321201247-the_accumulation_of_capital.org][the accumulation of capital]], and [[file:20200716144936-wage_labor.org][wage labor]]. In addition, capitalism displays many other unique characteristics which follow from its logic: [[file:20210321201813-capitalism_is_totalizing.org][capitalism is totalizing]], the logic of the market is supreme, [[file:20210310212707-general_law_of_capitalist_accumulation.org][capitalism requires poverty and emiseration to exist]]. * What is life like under capitalism? * What came before capitalism? * Where did capitalism come from? * What comes after capitalism?