#+title: oauth Oauth is an authentication protocol used for [[file:20210718115629-web_service.org][web services]]. It was created as a way to get around basic HTTP authentication with a username and password. * Oauth roles - resource owner :: entity capable of granting access to a protected resource - resource server :: server hosting protected resource - client :: application making request on behalf of resource owner - authorization server :: server issuing tokens for client * Flow :ATTACH: :PROPERTIES: :ID: bdbbcb35-df65-4105-baa2-52db04335f5b :END: #+caption: Oauth flow from the spec #+name: fig:auth-flow [[file:~/Pictures/screenshots/Screenshot from 2021-07-18 12-38-48.png][Screenshot from 2021-07-18 12-38-48.png]] * Links - [[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749][spec]]