#+title: the desire to have nothing bothering you is an expression of the death drive Neil, in his podcast [[https://gorman.transistor.fm/episodes/tgl-012-addendum-more-on-jouissance-death-drive-negativity-lack][on negativity]], says that the desire to have nothing bothering you, that is, the desire to simply be "useless", is an expression of the [[file:20210613140008-death_drive.org][death drive]]. [[file:20200707090939-sigmund_freud.org][Freud]] believed that this desire is repressed and comes out in various self-destructive habits, such as drinking, doing drugs, etc. For Freud, life introduces anxiety and struggle. And on this, the [[file:20210625140355-buddha.org][Buddha]] and [[file:20200707090939-sigmund_freud.org][Freud]] agree: life is struggle. Conversely, we also have a desire to work towards what the best version of ourselves is (by removing [[file:20210625140811-lack.org][lack]]), and that struggle creates [[file:20200707091710-jouissance.org][jouissance]].