#+title: death drive Death drive is the [[file:20200707090558-psychoanalysis.org][psychoanalytic]] term used to describe a particular kind of self-destructive [[file:20210509131706-drive_theory.org][drive]]. It is a self-undermining motive. In contrast to the [[file:20210613141231-pleasure_principle.org][pleasure principle]], the death drive is about a constant self-undermining so as to continuously experience excitation. [[file:20200707090939-sigmund_freud.org][Freud]] came to believe that the pleasure principle is in service to the death drive. [[file:20200707090939-sigmund_freud.org][Freud]] describes the death drive in /Beyond the Pleasure Principle/, noting that soldiers who had experienced some kind of trauma continued to relive their trauma. [[file:20200707090939-sigmund_freud.org][Freud]] contrasts the death drive with the [[file:20210613141231-pleasure_principle.org][pleasure principle]]. #+begin_quote The aim of all life is death. --- Sigmund Freud #+end_quote [[file:20200707090614-jacques_lacan.org][Lacan]] believed that every drive was ultimately a death drive, and was intrinsically linked to the concept of [[file:20200707091710-jouissance.org][jouissance]].