#+title: the role of the state and revolution The precondition for this discussion is a belief in the necessity for a [[file:20210522185957-transition_period.org][transition period]] and a [[file:20210522190031-transition_to_communism.org][transition to communism]]. [[file:20200611202011-marx.org][Marx]] believed that the [[file:20200713095729-nation_state.org][state]] could not be used to achieve the aims of [[file:20200707205056-communism.org][communism]] during a [[file:20200713100151-revolution.org][revolution]], as the [[file:20210523165611-state_as_a_tool_of_class_struggle.org][character of the state was for protecting the class interests of the bourgeoisie]]. [[file:20200706092621-vladimir_lenin.org][Lenin]], in his book /The State and Revolution/, elaborated on [[file:20200611202011-marx.org][Marx]]'s ideas on the state, believing that the working class ought to smash the state and establish one that could being the [[file:20210522190031-transition_to_communism.org][transition to communism]]. Lenin believed in a [[file:20210612163851-lower_phase_of_communism.org][lower phase of communism]] and a [[file:20210612163856-higher_phase_of_communism.org][higher phase of communism]], and felt that the role of the state varied between those two phases. He then believed that by the time the latter came around, the [[file:20210612163923-withering_of_the_state.org][state would wither away]].