#+title: growing trend of nationalist communism Recently, online, I've noticed a growing trend of self-described [[file:20200707205056-communism.org][communists]] who are increasingly [[file:20200713095751-nationalism.org][nationalist]]. Although they describe themselves as communists, they seem to not adhere to the goal of the [[file:20210204100341-the_communist_horizon.org][the Communist horizon]], and believe that [[file:20200707205002-state_socialism.org][state socialism]], especially that of the 20th century, is essentially the goal of the communist movement. It seems to be mostly a characteristic of [[file:20210527211412-social_media.org][social media]]. I find this concerning because these people seem to consider nationalist projects "good enough." Compared to life in the [[file:20210330201641-united_states.org][United States]] currently, I could understand why one might look fondly at the [[file:20200611204207-soviet_union.org][Soviet Union]]. However, the goal of communists is not simply state socialism but for the self-[[file:20210523163347-abolition_of_the_proletariat.org][abolition of the proletariat]], the state, and money itself.