#+title: contradiction #+options: tex:t Contradiction could be seen as an antagonistic violation of the [[file:20210518213540-law_of_identity.org][law of identity]]. While the law of identity states that $A = A$, i.e. a thing is always equal to itself, contradiction could mean a violation of the law of identity such that $A = A \land A \neq A$. For [[file:20200720100117-hegel.org][Hegel]] and possibly [[file:20200611202011-marx.org][Marx]], a contradiction is a key component of [[file:20210310113839-dialectics.org][dialectic]], such that two contradictory ideas or forces sublate one another and are resolved into a new idea, such as the contradiction between being and nothingness, which is resolved in the idea of "becoming." For [[file:20200720100117-hegel.org][Hegel]], a contradiction was merely the product of [[file:20210518214342-reason.org][reason]].