#+title: the end of history The end of history is an idea that comes either from [[file:20200720100117-hegel.org][Hegel]] or his later interpreters. Some would say that the end of history is the end to [[file:20210518213042-contradiction.org][contradiction]], while others would say that it's merely the recognition that [[file:20210518213112-contradiction_is_eternal.org][contradiction is eternal]]. For [[file:marxism.org][Marxism]], the end of history is usually synonymous with [[file:20200707205056-communism.org][communism]], which could be seen as an end to political contradiction. Personally, I'm not sure that I agree with this, as I think [[file:20200713095640-politics.org][politics]] will continue after [[file:capitalism.org][capitalism]], but will merely take on a different form, such as debates over what society should collectively produce.