#+title: dialect of Lisp - tags :: [[file:20200604222651-lisp.org][Lisp]] Except for perhaps the original Lisp in the 1950s, there is no "pure Lisp," only variations. Each dialect is distinguished by its particular syntax and its library functions. For example, Scheme has a =define= function that takes a list as its first argument, and in this way you can define a function. #+begin_src scheme :eval never (define (foo arg1 arg2) ) #+end_src However other Lisps, such as [[file:20200713103540-emacs_lisp.org][Emacs Lisp]] or [[file:20200708123759-clojure.org][Clojure]] define functions as such: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval never (defun foo (arg1 arg2) ; body... ) #+end_src