#+title: growth of automation and its relationship to deindustrialization - tags :: [[file:20210211094543-automation.org][automation]] - source :: [[file:literature/20210306155518-automation_and_the_future_of_work.org][Automation and the Future of Work]] In /Automation and the Future of Work/ Benanav makes the case that automation has been growing in the first world not as a means of increasing productivity but as a cost-saving measure in the face of [[file:20210306164610-deindustrialization.org][deindustrialization]]. Overcapacity in the manufacturing sector of the global north led to deindustrialization, and automation allows firms to stay competitive while shedding their workforces. This comes hand-in-hand with [[file:20210306171957-globalization.org][globalization]] as well.